How to get a license to trade

How to get a license to trade

If you are first going to do business in the field of trade, you may be interested in the question of how to get a license to trade. Immediately it is worth notify that there is a big difference between the license and the resolution, so decide what you need. There are legislative norms that will help you understand this issue.

Licensing Some business activities are subject to individual. You will certainly need a license if you trade:

  • weapons, its main parts, cartridges;
  • military equipment;
  • alcohol fortress from 5%;
  • pharmaceutical preparations, psychotropic and narcotic drugs.

Obtain a license will need:

  • for some types of foreign economic activity;
  • when working with technical means created to obtain secret information;
  • for the implementation of printing products protected from fakes;
  • for the sale of black and non-ferrous metals.


The license to trade weapon issues Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Alcohol trade is the executive body of state power, depending on the region (as well as in the metal trade). If you are going to sell medicines, then the license will have to get in Federal Health Supervision Service and social development. Protected printing products licenses FNS., for a license for the spread of "spyware" technicians will have to contact FSB, but to lead foreign economic activity - enlist the license from the territorial body Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

If you do not plan to develop none of the listed activities, then you need to get permission to trade. Your company must have a certificate of entering into a general trading registry. This is evidence and is the most resolution.

The easiest thing is to get such a license, you need to contact a law firm that will provide you with the necessary information, will help to deal with the documents and everything will do it yourself. The term of obtaining such a license is up to a month.

The first step towards the beginning of any entrepreneurial activity is tax as an IP or Yul. After that, you can start collecting the necessary documents that are:

  • constituent documents;
  • registration certificate from the Federal Tax Service;
  • FULL NAME and bank details of the head and chief committee for a legal entity;
  • the lease agreement of the commercial premises;
  • conclusion of sanitary and epidemiological examination and state fire supervision;
  • help from the FNS that you have no debts before the budget;
  • list of goods implemented by you;
  • concluded with the contract for the removal of garbage agreement;
  • sanitary passport of the room.

The collected documents must be submitted to Management of the consumer market The district administration, in which you are going to carry out entrepreneurial activities. Previously on any questions you can get a full-time advice or ask a question through the official website of your area. Also, on sites, you can learn about state support for entrepreneurship, as well as explore the legislation in the field of licensing and trade activities.

Application form on making information in the trade register of the subject of the Russian Federation on our website.

Sample fill in the application for the introduction of information in the trade register of the subject of the Russian Federation we have.

As you can see, the answer to the question of how to get a license to trade depends on what kind of activity you are going to do. Depending on this, the license is determined and the procedure for collecting documents.

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