How to get a patent for the invention

How to get a patent for the invention

The modern world is dynamic, requires constantly new ideas and inventions. Inventing another innovation, do not hurry to share with all the successes and achievements. Secure the authorship and enjoy your work. In order to get a patent for the invention, it is necessary to go through a special procedure. Let's deal with how it happens.

The procedure for obtaining a patent has a complex legal and documentary basis. The patent itself is an official document that gives ownership of a "novelty" and allows it to manage freely. Duration of authorship is necessarily prescribed, and after their ending can be extended at the request of the applicant. It is important to understand that it owns the authorship not the one who invented him before all, and who was the first to have possession. Therefore, do not tighten with time. Remember also that the patent does not bring economic benefit instantly, it requires complaint and promotion. Do not forget to follow the policy of storing the invention, as authorship gives protection only by the name of innovation.

As an invention can be:

  • Culture of animal or plants;
  • New way of activity;
  • New device;
  • Substance;
  • Microorganisms.

At the same time, it must have a fundamentally new character and possess the properties of utility, practicality and applicability in life. An important condition for such an object is the presence of inventiveness.

The peentating process is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, where the procedure for its provision is clearly described. The state has allocated a special body for regulating this activity called the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, or in more easing - Rospatent. The main provisions of the patent law, the procedure for issuing a document on authorship and pertainment features are registered in Civil Code of the Russian Federation (7 section). Besides the site of Rospatent The remaining regulatory acts on the regulation of the entire procedure are also indicated.

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Terminating conditions of the invention

So, you got acquainted with the legal side, now you need to collect the necessary documentation. As read art. 1375 of the Civil Code of the Russian FederationTo make a patent to the federal service should be provided:

  1. Application for the establishment of authorship on the invention;
  2. Innovation formula (must be detailed, open the main provisions and essence);
  3. A detailed description of "New";
  4. Drawings, drawings and other additional materials;
  5. Abstract for the invention;
  6. A document confirming the payment of state duty.

Documents are provided in three copies. There are special requirements for their design, they can be found in service or on the site.

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Try to prepare the most detailed materials. Do not attempt to "steal" someone's idea, as everything passes careful analysis and examination. The validity period of the entire documentation takes up to 12 months. Application for Patenting of the Invention You can send remotely - by mail either on the site of Rospatent. It is also possible to arrange it personally at the authorized service.

Scan application patent

During patentability analysis, the service can ask questions to the author, demand other auxiliary materials and explanations. As a rule, during the examination, additional data is required:

  • Special order mention of authors in patent;
  • Information about the authors (FULL NAME, address of residence and correspondence, citizenship);
  • List of technical features and results achieved on the invention.

The applicant during the examination has the right to make corrections in the documentation for inventions. This developed a special application application.

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Experts of the authorized service make decisions in the form of a decorated document. If you are not satisfied with one or another answer, you have the right to appeal it in the ward on patent disputes of Rospatent. If your request is satisfied, a patent for the invention is issued after 3-5 months. The duration of the document every year it is necessary to support government duties.

If you are already "matured" to creating a new invention and want to share this with everyone, do not rush. Follow the described instructions and advice above, collect the desired documentation, consult with a lawyer to get your "cherished document". If you do everything quickly and efficiently, your invention will help become famous and well earn on it.

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