How to get refugee status

How to get refugee status

Refugees Operations that are not citizens of the state where they are due to concern to become victims of hostilities, persecution due to political views, religion, etc. The process of obtaining this status will require a lot of time, as the petition of the person who wants to receive a refugee certificate, the FMS considers about three months. Refugee status registration consists of several points. Let's find out in detail what.

If a person turned 18 years old, then for the announcement of his refugee in Russia, you can contact the territorial institution of the FMS, when crossing the border - in the FSB, while in another country - to the consulate of the Russian Federation. You will need a document certifying the personality, if there is: documentation on education, marriage, childbirth certificates, labor, visa, 3/4 photos. In the Migration Service, write a petition.

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Concept of refugee

Together with petition Be sure to fill the questionnaire. It is necessary to answer questions honestly if you have a bad Russian language, you will be provided for the translator for free. The refugee form is filled with a blue or black ampoule without errors and corrections. After that, the FMS officer will hold an interview and fill the sheet.

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Consideration of hotting of refugee recognition

The next step will be dactyloscopic Fixation. This process is obligatory, with the help of this examination, the FMS specialists will install whether the person is wanted or not. Now you have to wait for the decision of migration service. After five days, please visit the establishment, with a positive result, you get a temporary certificate, which is valid until a constant.

consideration of the application certificate Sample - download here.

Fingerprint registration of foreigners

Having received such a testimony, a person gives the paper to receive the laid manual. According to this certificate in the specified branch of the banking institution, the person will receive money during the week. If the client did not have time to remove the funds, then the certificate is extended to the FMS for another three days. The service provides temporary housing, food, provides transport delivery to the location and issues travel.

Roll of travel for refugee - here.

Cash assistance for a person who received a certificate of consideration.

You will have to go through a medical examination and get a medical certificate. After three months, when experts will check all the data, you either assign refugee status or - no. In case of refusal, service staff will send by mail or you will receive a written refusal in the institution. This notification is entitled to appeal.

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Deciding to leave the country and get a refugee certificate in another state, prepare in advance. Examine all the information, collect a package of documents, accumulate at least a small amount of money for the first time. Do not hope to hide from the law if you committed a criminal offense.

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