How to get a duplicate marriage certificate

How to get a duplicate marriage certificate

To ensure stable relationships, the couples in love conclude marriages. At the same time, the dreams of most girls come true, finally she found her half, now they are forever together. The state also welcomes legitimate relations between young people, ensures the protection of interests, the rights of spouses at the legislative level. As a confirmation of the validity of the Union between his wife and husband in the registry office, certificate is issued in the solemn atmosphere. But what to do if you suddenly lost the original document in the wedding bustle? Do not worry, you can get a duplicate. But as? Read on.

The re-evidence will be issued only to those who are compiled by this act, that is, in our case, newlyweds. It is allowed to receive a duplicate and integers having a power of attorney from spouses certified by the notary ( article 9 FZ.).

Article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation

To restore the certificate, contact the registry office or at the place of stay or at that institution where there was registration. Optionally, the presence of both spouses, one of the family members is allowed.

Take a passport with you, note that it should be a mark about your marital status. At this notice, employees of the department of fixing acts of civil status will find a record about when they gave you a testimony that his number and series.

Explain your problem by the registry office, why do you need a document. In turn, the employee will give you a fill form. Write your name and Passport details of the spouse, address of accommodation, the date of marriage registration, in which separation there was a painting process. Fill out the application is laid blue (black) ampoule, errors, blots are not allowed. Below, put the date of filling, signature.

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Then they will be given a receipt for payment for payment services (state duty), the price for this action is 200 rubles. While you go to the nearby bank to pay a fee, the registry office will write a copy of the certificate. The lost document will now become invalid. Upon returning from the banking institution, you will leave your signature in the magazine of fixing civil acts and get a new testimony. The type of document will not be varied from the previous one, the only difference in the word: "duplicate". If you get a copy of the document in another compartment of the registry office (not where the registration ceremony passed), then the certificate will have to wait about a week. Read more information on portal Gosuselug.

Public services, contact the registry office

There are situations where the registry office completely refuses to receive a duplicate, namely: spouses divorced, now their marriage is considered invalid or the wedding was long ago, therefore the card files simply do not exist. And you can't do without a certificate, what to do? Under such circumstances, please contact archival service.

Archivist - Search service

Certificate is the first document that the young family receives. Try not to lose this act. Immediately define a place in your home where all important paper will be. Well, if you still lost the certificate, then act as written above in the article.

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