How to write a deceased person from the apartment

How to write a deceased person from the apartment

No matter how much the mountain of relatives after the loss of a loved one, but life continues. After the death of a relative, a paper magician will follow, which cannot be avoided and better to start and finish the collection of all the necessary documents as soon as possible.

One of the necessary cases to be done without tightening is to extract the late tenant from the apartment.

Organization where to seek to write a deceased person from the apartment

To implement a deposit of housing, you must contact the FMS limits. In the countryside, the function of the passport table can be assigned to the administration.

After death

Documents for the discharge of a deceased person from the apartment

We take the following paper with you:

  • certificate of death of your relative;
  • document confirming your identity.

In the FMS, you must write an application to implement an extract.

The documents

Where to take death certificate?

The document is taken in the registry office. To contact there should be closest relatives, having such documents with you:

  • death certificate;
  • passport of the deceased person;
  • a document confirming the identity of the applying;
  • a document confirming the relationship of the contacting and deceased (for example, a marriage certificate for a spouse or spouse, about birth for children or parents).

On the same day, in which all the necessary documents are given, certificate is issued.

A certificate confirming the death of the dead man issues a doctor. If the deceased was observed at the district doctor for the causes of the disease, such a certificate usually issues a doctor.

In addition, an ambulance officer who arrived at the challenge and surveyed death may issue a certificate.

If the deceased did not earn earlier and death came instantly, as a rule, in addition to ambulance, police authorities should be called. The latter will subsequently investigate and send the body to the morgue to identify the cause of death. Then the certificate will give the morgue.


How to discharge the deceased if there is no death certificate

There are cases when it is impossible to take a certificate of death, for example, if other relatives have already received a certificate and do not give a document to a person who needs to be departed from the apartment, or if the deceased is not a close relative.

In the first case, you need a duplicate certificate. In the second - the appeal to the court. If a person recognizes the dead through the court, a document witnessed this, you need to take with you to the FMS authorities.

No evidence

How to get a duplicate death certificate

Both the original and duplicate are issued in the registry office. We go there writing a statement and prove your interest in obtaining a document.

Duplicate, like the original, is issued a day when a statement was received. For the service paid duty.

In addition to contacting the registry office personally, the application can be sent by mail or via the Internet.

Through the court

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