What you need to buy an apartment

What you need to buy an apartment

Acquisition of an apartment - the case is extremely responsible. If you are not knowledgeable in the legal intricacies of the purchase and do not trust your sellers per 1000%, you should check everything and make sure that the apartment is legal purity.

Transaction with real estate, namely, with buying apartments, always conjugate with risk for both sides. Therefore, such transactions should be prepared. The best preparation is to get the maximum information about the apartment. Even if you use the services of a realtor, you need to maximize yourself and check all the documentation together. First of all, you need to know if the owner of Lee sells you an apartment. You can learn from an extract from the Unified State Register of Law (USRP). You can order this extract on the site. rosreestra.

Having received such an extract, you can find out the entire prehistory of the apartment: how many times did the owners change and who is at the moment they are. If the apartment resell several times, it is necessary to carefully study the entire history of the contracts: whether they were terminated for any reason or declared invalid.


In addition, it is recommended to make sure that all tenants were discharged from the apartment, check it out by ordering an archive discharge from the house book. Make sure that the interests of all owners of the shareholders are taken into account. This is especially true when one of the owners is a minor child. In this case, it makes sense to make a request to the guardianship and guardianship authorities to find out whether the permission to alienate the ownership of a minor was issued.

It is necessary to make sure the authenticity of documents confirming the ownership of the owner. Also check the legality of all documents from the BTI, Rosreestra, the passport table and other government agencies. Order an extract from the personal account to confirm the absence of rent debt.

It will be useful to make sure in full mental and physical health to the seller. Exclude diseases such as mental disorders, dementia, alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as a number of others, in order to deal in the future could not be challenged by the seller's relatives due to them. Such a confirmation can serve as certificates from psycho-neurological and drug treatment dispensaries.

After all the necessary checks, you can proceed to design a transaction. The most important document here will be an apartment purchase and sale agreement. It should absolutely unambiguous to be the address of the apartment and the price. If possible, in the contract, specify the real price, and not the one that the BTI sets. This will help you to protect yourself in subsequent possible disputes.

Blank of the contract of sale and its sample can be downloaded from us:

It is desirable that the transaction is accompanied by notarially, in the presence of a lawyer, so that he can professionally check all the points of the contract and testify the transaction. It is necessary that the seller makes a receipt for receipt of money and both parties to sign a real estate transfer.

Download these forms with us:

Act of acceptance of PP.

In the future, you need to submit information to Rosreestr, pay the state duty and register a transaction for buying an apartment. A duty by agreement can be divided with the seller. Carefully treat all issues related to the purchase of an apartment, thereby minimizing all the risks accompanying this transaction.

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Valeria 05/04/2018 at 17:48.

I do not know why, but I always sought the apartments first. Just know when 1, 2.3 ... Through you hub on something "suspicious" or not very good, then the most attempts to do something sank. Therefore, I thought: why not entrust this case to a person who is understandable in all subtleties and can distinguish deception from a normal, good sentence? I turned to Ilya Leonidovich. Until now, we support a friendly relationship. I found an apartment for me, following my personal preferences. The deal was great, it is much easier for me now, because it's closer to the subway, I didn't even think that the exchange could be spent so quickly. If you want, Ilya Leonidovich can advise you: 89265296204

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