How to write a former wife from the apartment

How to write a former wife from the apartment

Divorce is a fertile soil for a variety of conflicts. One of them has every chance of becoming an apartment question. In the event that the spouse refuses to leave the husband's living space, it is possible to solve the problem at the legislative level.

First of all, try to go peacefully. If it is possible to solve so the question and the ex-spouse will agree to change registration, you need it to go to the passport office. She should apply for an extract, after which the request will be satisfied, and the information is listed in the house book.

Application form of deregistration at the place of residence here.

An example of the beaning about removal from registration at the place of residence we have.

If the former wife refuses to change the registration voluntarily, find out the legal status of controversial housing. If the dwelling was purchased before marriage, all rights on your side. If real estate has been htched during the family life, you can't insist on changing the spouse, since it has the same rights as you. Even the marriage contract, according to which all properties in the event of a divorce must move away to you, does not give you special advantages, because the court has the right to revise this item in connection with the infringement of the rights of his wife. To resolve the problem will have to wait for the completion of ship hearings in the property section.

If, as a result of the ship's process, your wife got part of the dwelling, you can write a lawsuit to the court for a compulsory section. However, it does not guarantee that the instance will take your direction. Different circumstances will be taken into account: the presence of children, their place of registration and the fact if there is where to live an ex-spouse. In addition, divided the dwelling with prescribed children is extremely difficult because the guardianship authorities will also take part in the process.

If the court decided to leave all rights for you, one should write another suit on the statement of the spouse from the dwelling, on the basis that it is no longer a family member. Make a statement of claim, attach a certificate of divorce, the document to which you have the right to a disputed object and an extract from the house book. In the statement, indicate that the spouse is not a member of the family more and, being the owner of the real estate, you require the court to write it down.

The statement of claim for an extract from the apartment_Blanc on our website.

The statement of claim for an extract from the apartment_ filled blank here.

If the "fabulous" at the moment does not have a suitable place to stay, the court is likely to give her time searching for housing. During the search period, the ex-spouse on legal grounds can live in your apartment. After the expiration of the term, a woman is enforced and discharge. In the event that your wife leads an asocial lifestyle, you should contact the municipality, this body must make it a warning. If this was not accounted for, you can safely contact the court, watched by the readings of the neighbors, which would prove that the lifestyle of a woman is asian. If the wife has drives to a police station or damaged you, present the evidence of this and the necessary references.

If your ex-wife does not live in a controversial apartment, but only registered at the address, do not forget to celebrate this fact, feeding a lawsuit in court. Also indicate that it does not pay utility services. In case you know its place of permanent residence, specify the address. If the spouse left and did not leave any data about its location, it can be written on the basis of this fact. In addition, you will need to enlist the evidence of neighbors and the district, which will confirm that you have not been created by any obstacles for its stay on the joint clock with you.

If you divorced while my wife was a conclusion, you can write it only for the period of the sentence. After his spouse, he has all the right to demand compensation or recovery of registration at the residence place.

Submit a lawsuit in court with the requirement to write down a former family member, in particular wives, you can at any time after the divorce.

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