How to divide my wife

How to divide my wife

Divorces in our time to universal grief thing is frequent. This process, of course, is psychologically quite heavy and unpleasant, but sometimes it can serve as a rescue of the further happy life of both spouses, but already incomplete. This article will be useful for those men who have already finally made a serious decision to change their lives. Today we will talk about how to divorce your wife.

An ideal option for both spouses is a mutual decision on divorce. In such cases, the nerves will be intact, and red tapes. Some people even keep the friendly relationship after that. If there is the consent of both parties to divorce, then it is carried out in the registry office, where marriage itself was carried out. However, they are so bodied by those who have no children at that time, who have not reached the age of majority and there are no disputes about jointly proud. On our site you can download the following documents:

The process of divorce through the registry office is to provide passports, marriage certificates, certificates of family composition, writing a statement and payment of state duty. After that, the spouses are given one month so that they can once again think and weigh everything. If the definitive decision, then in a month you will leave the registry office already in other people's people. In case of failure to appear at the set time, your divorce statement is simply annulled.

Family Composition Blank on our website.

An example of family composition here.

It also happens that one of the halves for some reason against the divorce. Most often there are women. In this case, only the world judge can help. The statement of application for divorce will need to be submitted at the place of registration of the wife. If a husband with his wife has complex relationships, he may not be present personally on the trial, only the reluctance will need to be involved in the statement. The court decision will then send by mail. Such court cases last about four months. It is worth noting that this can be divorced even without having the consent of his wife, of course, provided that there are no minor children.

Application form on criminal marriage here.

An example of a criminal record of marriage we have.

The most difficult when the spouses have a small child or even a few. Immediately note that you will not be divorced if the child is not one year or your wife is pregnant. The marriage itself is starting through the appeal with a statement of claim in the world court, regardless of whether your wife is against the divorce or not. If your almost ex-wife is not against divorce, then the process can take about two months, if against, then up to six. Documents will be needed the same as in other cases. An add-on will be only a child's birth certificate.

Application form for divorce by court here.

An example of a statement for divorce by court on our website.

To nor, which quarrels would not happen in your family, do not hurry to destroy your marriage. Remember that once in your house there were love and happiness. Try to jointly avoid divorce. Try to refer to qualified family psychologists or to mediators. Perhaps they will be able to help you.

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