Section of property when divorced how to issue

Section of property when divorced how to issue

Unfortunately, in our time, the marriage processes are far from uncommon. People marry, over time, they make the property, and then for some reason they decide to divorce. And here it begins perhaps the most unpleasant - division of the prison. In order to be civilized and calmly go through this stage, you need to be legally savings and know the Family Code.

Property can be divided as marriage and after a divorce. It costs to know that according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is possible to demand about the section together after the finality of the marriage process.

A jointly acquired property includes certain material values \u200b\u200bacquired during marriage, thanks to the efforts of one or both spouses. Therefore, this list cannot be attributed to the property given to one of the spouses or the inheritance received, as well as the marriage acquired before the conclusion. Also cannot be divided by the property belonging to the children of spouses and intellectual property.

The best for both parties is a mutual agreed section of the property. After all, it will help parting former spouses most calm, without additional disagreements. In this case, a peaceful agreement is concluded, where a list of all separated values \u200b\u200bis stipulated. This agreement is desirable to issue a non-notary.

Unfortunately, not often former spouses are peacefully agreed on the division of privilege. In this case, the disagreement side must file a statement of claim. To properly draw up the claim, it will not be superfluous to resort to the help of a lawyer or a lawyer. Before making a decision on the statement of claim, the court will take into account all the nuances of this case, including the interests of children. This variant of the separation of values \u200b\u200bcan occupy for a long time. The court decision can always be tried to appeal, but no later than a certain period after the verdict.

It should be borne in mind that they are resorted to the assistance of the court not only in cases where one of the spouses refuses to divide anything. Sometimes the Court can help conclude a global agreement between binding spouses. This option is resorted when for some reason the parties do not want to negotiate and make decisions on the division of surrounded values.

Before the parties to seek help to the judge, it is worth knowing that it is pretty athusted pleasure, the truth is very effective. In order for the court to allow your dispute, you will have to pay a duty that constitutes a certain percentage of the value of the entire property.

Currently, the conclusion of a marriage contract becomes increasingly popular - both before the conclusion of the marriage union and after. Thanks to him, the spouses immediately stipulate the fate of one or another joint ownership. Consequently, in the event of a marriage process, various questions about the section will disappear by themselves, and it may be possible to avoid unpleasant moments and additional court costs.

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