How to write out of the apartment former husband

How to write out of the apartment former husband

By marking, young people hope for a long lucky joint life. But circumstances do not always develop as it would like to. If the pair is diverged by mutual agreement - in such cases, the division of property occurs painlessly, but when the spouses are bred with a scandal - not to avoid problems. Often the question arises: how to write down a former husband from the apartment, can it be done without his consent? It all depends on the specific case.

If the housing is the property of his wife (and she owned it before the marriage of marriage), then after divorce, the spouse loses right to her. The husband can be written even without his consent. To do this, you need to submit a lawsuit on the eviction of a man from the apartment. After a positive answer - boldly discharge the ex-spouse.

In cases where the living space was the property of a relative, and then was donated to a woman (even if she was in marriage at the time of registration), then the husband is discharged in the same way as in the previous version - by filing a lawsuit.

If the apartment was bought (privatized) at the time of the state of marriage, then in this case it is impossible to deprive the former spouse of the right to registration without its consent. Despite the fact that the husband could refuse his share at the time of privatization in favor of the spouse or another family member, the right to his accommodation remains.

It is more difficult to write down the former spouse from an unsuccessful living space, even if he does not pay utility services and does not live in this apartment. The long lack of ex-husband is not the cause of his discharge. There are several ways to solve this problem: you can request an unaccounted apartment in the municipal committee; As an option - to sue the lawsuit on the loss of the former husband of the right to an apartment (although the answer is hardly positive); Solve the problem peaceful way is the most optimal option.

The lawsuit is submitted at the location of the apartment. It must specify the following information: who accounts for a person who needs to be evicted, and under what circumstances he was inhabited to the apartment; leaving (re-entering whether the former spouse from this dwelling; his place of residence at the time of submission of the application; whether the ex-spouse married the second time; paid for utilities or not; Is it the owner of another housing. If there are any evidence, it is better to provide them - this will increase the possibility of obtaining a positive response.

So that there are no confusion after the divorce, even before the marriage of the future marital couple, a housing issue should be discussed and it is desirable to conclude a contract or notarily assure an agreement.

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