Can a husband get maternity

Can a husband get maternity

There are circumstances that a woman is going to decree, and she has no work. There is a question about the possibility of obtaining accruals, i.e. Guidance enrollments and maternity men at his enterprise. Yes, the husband has grounds for this assistance, only at one request, if it issues a mandatory leave to care for myself. It is not excluded that a woman in this case can go to work.

Let's find out what the concept of decrehensive, such a word in accounting does not exist. There is, as described above, accruals laid in 70 days of pregnancy bulletin and the same number of days after the birth of a child. Money is obtained either at the place of constant work of one of the parents or in the institution society Your city.

General requirements for state accruals for children See us on the site.

Social protection of the population

There are also monthly payments that pay a maximum of a year and a half. They are allowed to receive a man if he is sitting in decree. But not everyone knows how this vacation is correctly arranged.

Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

First of all, the documentation will be needed: the birth certificate of a boy or a girl, his copy, a certificate of confirmation from an organization where mother works or learn that she did not receive payments, a certificate of income of his wife. The bulletin of the polyclinic is still useful, which was written by an obstetrician, precisely on this document there are a one-time allowance, if there were no violations of the hospital regime.

In addition to the packet of papers, you will have to write a petition for the head. It is drawn up in arbitrary form on the template of the usual vacation application. Fill it with preferably blue or black handle. At the top in the header I write the company name, FIO Employer. Below is your position, surname, you can initials, but better full name, patronymic. From the new line in the middle of the sheet: "statement". It is recommended to think about it in advance for what time you wish to take the decret, specify this time in the document. The owner of the firm will save your vacancy entire period of your stay in forced vacation. At the end list the list of references, the testimonies provided by you, confirm by all the signature, set the date. The employer will print an order, it is permitted not to indicate to what date subordinate on vacation.

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Maternity leave --- this is 2

Men on maternity decrees have the same rights as women. The time to care for the child is included in the overall experience. A maternity leave is allowed to take a maximum for three years. The father has the right to take a decree in parts. For example, for some time a husband is sitting at home, then grandmother, mom, grandfather.


Not every manager of the company wants to let go of his employee on vacation - it is wrongful. Knowing the law, you can agree without scandals and threats. Invite the boss compromise - work at home. It is beneficial for you, because of an additional income, the employer will not lose a valuable colleague.

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