Maternity leave is made by a short word - decree. Its main goal is to allow the future mother to concentrate on his health on the eve of childbirth and recover after them. The woman is exempt from labor duties, while remaining "in the cage" of employees of the enterprise. In order to arrange a period of rest on vacation, one must adhere to the procedure established by the legislation. About him and talk in our article.
Legislative aspects
The right to legal rest in the up / postpartum period is given by each working woman and is regulated by labor legislation. The main principles for decoring maternity leave are spelled out in article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the TC RF). Its duration is marked in the same article and depends on the course of pregnancy and the prescriptions of the attending physician.
When executing
Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, you have the right to go to the long-awaited decree, and with multiple - even from 28 weeks. In addition, most women enjoys an annual legal right to rest and takes it up to the moment of the onset of decreasing. In this case, you need to issue two relevant statements. The standard duration of the vacation under consideration is 140 days. In special situations, the number of days is increasing. After the specified period, the woman has the right to go on a child's care vacation. These two types of vacation often summarize, because They follow one after another and in general form the days of rest, which are generalized by the term "decret". In the event of an extension of maternity leave before reaching a 3-year-old age, the employee still remains the workplace and the size of the salary. In addition, a young mother will continue to receive established payments from the state.
We have on our website:
- Application for child care vacation;
- An example of an application for child care vacation;
- Template of an order for child care vacation;
- An example of a completed order for child care vacation.
The documents
To make a vacation on pregnancy and childbirth and subsequently receive social benefits for him, the following documents should be provided to the personnel department:
- Disability sheet.
- Application for maternity leave.
- Help from the female consultation on registration in early pregnancy (optional).
Sick leave
It is necessary to get it in a female consultation, namely, a gynecologist at the place of registration. In non-standard cases, he is discharged in all honey institutions that have an appropriate license. This paper is the main document. Relying on her issuance, pregnant employees go to and postpartum vacation and receive appropriate compensation. The day of issuing a sick leave is usually the first day of legal leave.
On our website:
- Disability leaf template;
- Filled disability sheet;
- Sample of the hospital sheet on registration in the early periods of pregnancy.
The unified form of such a document is absent, so when it is compiled, adhere to the generally accepted rules:
- Happing position in the upper right side of the sheet. In it insert:
- position and name of the direct supervisor;
- name of company;
- personal data of the applicant (FULL NAME, position).
- In the center write "statement".
- The document's body is made in the form of a petition with an indication of the type of vacation and deadlines prescribed in a temporary disability sheet.
- At the end of the application, refer the list of attached documents, set the date and signature.
Tip: If you rose to 12 weeks, then you can count on a one-time allowance ( art. 3 FZ No. 81). This desire must be reflected in the document and confirm this fact as a certificate from a medical institution.
Download on our site:
- Typical application for pregnancy and childbirth;
- An example of an application for pregnancy and childbirth;
- Order of the order for maternity leave (form No. T-6);
- Filled out order form on maternity leave (form No. T-6);
- Order of the order for maternity leave (form No. T-6A);
- Sample order of maternity leave (form No. T-6A);
- Log of registration of vacation orders;
- An example of the registration of vacation orders;
- Blank note-calculation on maternity leave;
- Example note-calculation on maternity leave.
After receiving from the "Decreetch" of all the necessary documents, the accounting department of the company is drawn up by order on the form No. T-6 for pregnancy and childbirth. In the future, it is registered in the appropriate magazine and the note is drawn up, on the basis of which social benefits are committed.