Paid student vacation - how to issue

Paid student vacation - how to issue

Many people combine work with education in educational institutions. At a certain point, study requires the presence of a student in the university. This may be a session, the protection of thesis. Then the need arises to issue a student vacation at the enterprise. Under certain conditions, the management of the company is obliged to provide a student a student's vacation. It can be paid or not, that is, at his own expense. Consider how to arrange the first.

It should be noted that there are certain conditions based on which the organization is obliged to leave an employee's vacation. First, this enterprise should be the main job for an employee. If the student works part-time, it can only count on unpaid leave. In addition, this item must be provided in a labor or collective agreement. Otherwise, the employer may well legally refuse to leave.

It is not permissible to combine a student vacation with other vacation varieties. So, if the employee stays on leave to care for a child, in order to get a legitimate student, it must interrupt the first. Similar to the situation with annual leave. The student cannot join the standard annual - such a long lack of an employee can be considered only individually if an agreement has been reached with the company's head.

If an employee of the company is studying simultaneously in several institutions, it can count on material bonuses and guarantees only due to the process of obtaining education in one university. At the same time, choosing a priority place of study has the right employee.

Student leave is given an employee in calendar days. It is not envisaged by the legislation the right to revoke by the management of an employee from this type of vacation. Only an employee who receives the first education of a certain level can apply for paid student vacation. The head of the enterprise has the right to not let the employee, if he receives, for example, the second higher education.

In order to issue a student vacation, the employee's student is obliged to submit a relevant statement to the head. This document must be confirmed by a call certificate. It must be obtained in advance in the university. The application can be performed in an arbitrary hand form or scored on a computer. However, it is necessary to specify the purpose of the student's vacation. This, for example, may be a session, intermediate certification and more.

Download Application for student vacation_ formation You can here.

Application for student vacation_Blanc Available on our website.

Help-call a working student must be filled in shape. It consists of 2 parts. The first indicates the data on the call of a student worker - the reason, the period of leave. This part of the reference is filled at the beginning of the vacation. The second is a confirmation of the student of learning, session, protection and other. This part should be submitted to the enterprise after graduation.

Help call for session_-shaped Available for download here.

Help call at session_Blanc on our website.

Based on the documents, the head is obliged to sign an order to provide a student vacation. You sign in this order. After that, the Accounting Calculates cash (vacations) and draws them accordingly. Vacations you must get a maximum of 3 days before the student's vacation begins.

Please note that a student worker who was in a student vacation can legally count on receiving a standard annual paid vacation.

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