How to arrange temporary registration

How to arrange temporary registration

If a citizen of another country decided to come to Russia and live in it more than 90 days, he will have to issue temporary registration. This procedure is governed by clause 55 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by the Order of the FMS of Russia for №288 of 11.09.2102.

In order to receive temporary registration, it is necessary to contact the provisional registration authority. In Moscow, this is done by passports in the EIRC departments (Single Information and Registration Center) at the location of the living space, where a citizen will live. All other cities are Passport Tables UFMS (Office of the Federal Migration Service). In the passport desk, you must write a statement for a specific form, as well as provide a passport or other document certifying.

In addition to the application and passport, a citizen of another country should present a document confirming the need for his stay in Russia. It can be:

  • Hiring agreement for work;
  • Social hiring agreement;
  • Certificate of state registration of residential premises (in case a citizen of another country has acquired a living space in Russia);
  • Statement of the owner of the apartment, that he asks to register his guest on his living space.

For those who want to receive temporary registration on social hire or stay in Russia as the owner of the housing, confirming the documents in the passport desk can not be provided. Then the details of the contract or certificate must be introduced to the statement, and the desk workers themselves confirm this information by contacting the relevant authorities. But it will slightly increase the time of receipt of a temporary registration document.

When submitting documents should be the owner of the apartment, where the guest will be accommodated. If he cannot arrive in the passport, then a notarized power of attorney should be provided with information about his consent to such accommodation.

Temporary registration in Russia is notified, i.e. Guest simply notifies that he is going to live for a while in any city. According to him, he does not have the right to refuse to stay in the country. An exception can only be registration in border cities and towns, in the zones of ecological catastrophe, in closed areas or any like. But usually temporary registration is issued here, only it is necessary to provide additional documents (in each case - different).

After passing the entire package of documents, it is possible to register after 6 days. By law, three days are given to ensure that employees of the passport table transfer documents to register authorities, and three days to check the truthfulness of the data provided.

If a citizen who arrived in Russia will live in a hostel, boarding house, campsite, sanatorium, and the like, then his registration is obliged to engage in administrative workers of this institution.

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