How to issue a lease agreement

How to issue a lease agreement

Relations between landlord and tenant are regulated legislation Just like any other civil law relations. In this case, the guarantor of the fulfillment of obligations is the lease agreement for the submissions. Before conclusion, pay attention to how to make a lease agreement competently.

To draw up a lease agreement with lawyers, the following items are recommended:

  • Full name and passport data of the parties (and persons living with the main tenant);
  • description of the leased object (including all breakdowns present at the time of the transaction, and the stated deadlines for their correction);
  • deadline for which it is expected to eat;
  • the amount of monthly lease, deadlines and methods for making subsequent payments;
  • full amount introduced at the time of signing (including collateral);
  • conditions for the return of cash payments, in case of early termination of the contract;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • responsibility of the parties;
  • the procedure for payment of utilities;
  • additional conditions (for example, animal content, indoor smoking, repair at the expense of any of the parties, etc.).

Download lease agreement blank Can I have.

Experienced realtors advise to the lease agreement to add an act of acceptance and transfer of property, with a description of valuable things and their approximate cost. The document must be spelled out by the passport details of the landlord and the tenant and their signatures.

Act of reception

The contract prepared for a period of more than 3 years is subject to mandatory state registration at the notary. For this reason, many conclude an agreement for the year with subsequent prolongation. The advantages of this approach are not necessary to pay a notary and spend time, cons - the tenant has the right after the end of the first term to raise the price on the object. If the contract does not indicate the detention period, it is automatically considered to be concluded for 5 years.

The document is compiled only in writing. For early termination, you need to warn the second side for 3 months in advance, sending a letter with notice. In practice, due to ignoring the landlords of official registration of their entrepreneurship, the formalities are neglecting and reported on the month in advance in oral form.

Letter with notification

By entering into a deal, both parties are encouraged to exchange copies of passports, phone numbers, carefully check all documents.

An example of a completed lease agreement You can see on our website.

Registration of the lease agreement takes no more than 30 minutes, the benefit of the time spent is undoubted. The landlord and the tenant can be confident that observing all the formalities, they become most protected from the state from the possible material and moral damage.

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