How to place a property rental

How to place a property rental

In most cases, the transfer of rented land to the property is the desired result for the tenant. The advantages of ownership is obvious - you can dispose of the land at your discretion, within the law, of course, and forever forget about the need to extend the lease agreement. How to place a property rental?

It is unlikely that someone will call the procedure for execution of fast and easy, so bring patience. One of the components of success is the correctness of the design of documents and their completeness.

The process of registration from addressing local governments with a statement begins. After it is necessary to contact the center of the unified accounting of the Earth. You will be scheduled for the time of departure to the site of the Earth's cadastral assessment specialist, which will take on topographic surveillance, preparation of the plan of the terrain and survey.

As a result of the work, a specialist in your hands will be all documents that will be required to appeal to the Center for the Unified Earth Accounting for the Cadastral Passport. The land plot will be listed in the registry with the assignment of the cadastral number, and you can get a cadastral passport.

The next step is to obtain a satisfactory decision on privatization in the local administration, where to provide an extract from the cadastral passport you received, copies of the land plan and other documents received. If you are already the owner of the previously rented site, you will also need to pay the cadastral value of the Earth. In other cases, the design is free, with the exception of your costs for receiving the cadastral passport and the previous work.

The final stage is the transfer of documents to the Federal Department of the State Registration Center. In addition to the application for the design of ownership of the land plot, the list of necessary documents includes an extract from the cadastral passport, the plan, the decree of the administration and in the cases provided by the receipt of payment. Detailed information on the procedure for registration, as well as the possibility of submitting an application in electronic form, you can read website Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography. So, to submit this statement, you need to download the appropriate software from the site, and then form all the necessary documents using the program and register an application in the relevant section. The original documents are provided to the territorial authority of the Federal Department after the appeal received the status of "in work".

After the documents fell into the registration center, it remains only to wait - and within 30 days the land plot should go to your property.

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