Passport on the well - how to arrange

Passport on the well - how to arrange

It is difficult to imagine life on the country area without water. You have two options. Drop the well or dried well. If for a number of reasons you made a choice in favor of the artesian well, you need to issue relevant documents.

There are two types of wells - filter (sandy) and artesian (limestone). Sands are styled for one and two years old and require large costs for periodic cleaning. The artesian well is much deeper than sandy. Water from such a well cleaner. Service costs are minimal. But at the cost of work and registration of documentation, the Artesian Well will cost you much more expensive than sandy.


To reduce the cost of drilling and decoring the well, it is advisable to drill a well into several users. If the well is shallow (sandy) and is designed for no more than 10 sites, you will not need to design a license for the right to use subsoils. For the artesian well requires a license for the right to use subsoil. Registration of the passport is mandatory for any well.

The well passport issues a contractor with whom you have entered into a drilling contract and installation of the pump. Therefore, take seriously to choose a contractor. You must make sure that:

  • the contractor has a license for the right drilling of water wells;
  • the contractor will provide a water quality forecast;
  • the contractor competently determine the flow rate.

The flow rate is the volume of water that you get for a certain time unit.

2-3 days after the drilling of the well and the pumping of the pumps should send water samples to the laboratory for the following analyzes:

  • radiation safety;
  • microbiological analysis;
  • chemical composition;
  • presence and number of pesticides.

With low water quality, installation will be required filters. The type and diameter of the filter should be specified in the passport on the well.

There is no legally clear form of a passport on the well. You can issue a passport in the form of a book or several sheets printed on the printer. On our site you can download the blanks of passports on the water intake well. These options will help you make sure that you have issued a passport the minimum set of well requirements is taken into account. Independently fill the passport is difficult. This can only make a competent specialist who is ready to guarantee on his work.


The passport on the well is a document that is required for its service. Independently replace the pump or filter - the task is complicated. Therefore, carefully check all the data specified in the document. After registration of the passport for water and obtaining a license, it is necessary to put the well to record in the territorial Fund of the geological information of your region. The design of all documents will allow you to safely use your own source of water.

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Martha 18/11/2019 at 13:04

We last year decorated a license for a well, we were helped by the specialists of such a company XN - 80ANCCGCWD3A3HRA8A.XN - P1AI / no problem.


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