Water well filters - what to choose

Water well filters - what to choose

The borehole filter performs two functions: stops solid impurities before the casing and prevents the bore's collapse. The device consists of a base with holes, directly filter and sump. Each component of the device has several varieties, used with a specific aquifer.

Well in solid limestone rocks can be operated without filters. In such wells, a high pillar of water, small impurities are not, and large fragments do not get to the pump.

If water is extracted from pebble or unstable limestone rocks, it suffices to install a rough filter. In the wells of this type of water, the water is low, the pump is lowered low and there is a risk of damage to the unit with coarse-grained impurities (there are practically no small ones on such a soil). The filter is a part of a casing with a plurality of small holes.

Be sure to use the filter in the bodies on the sand. Long term operation of the filter depends on the quality of its manufacture, material, the design of a special role does not play.

Gravel filter delays a significant part of unnecessary precipitation. To create a barrier between the well filter and the well wall, the slot is left from 100 mm. Immediately after installing the filter and pipes, the slit is covered around the perimeter of gravel.

The base of the filter is a tubular reference frame with holes. The material of the base must comply with the material of the operational column. A stainless steel base is suitable for a metal column, and for plastic - only plastic, plastic and metal are difficult to connect.

The non-metallic base is used for aggressive water with oxygen impurities, hydrogen sulfide. For the use of the filter with the base of plastic, the resolution of the sanitary and epidemiological service is necessary.

The filter perforation is made in the form of slots or holes. To increase strength, the base is made with rigidity ribs. The area of \u200b\u200bthe filter based on the filter should be about 25% of the surface area.

The filter part is performed from a grid or a wedge-shaped wire, covered in the form of a spiral on the housing. The mesh filter is more practical, only part of the filter is destroyed during damage. Wire stronger, but worth it more. A high-quality stainless steel filter will last 30 -50 years. Capron or plastic filters withstand weak loads and are not competitors of metal. Products made of galvanized steel wire are short-lived, the service life is up to 7 years.

The height of the borehole filter can be calculated using the formula using the exact characteristics of the aquifer, but the builders are often focused on their experience. With the diameter of the casing 100-150 mm, the minimum filter height for sandy aquifers with the sand of medium grain - 1 m, optimal - 2 m. If the sand is very small, height is recommended to increase to 4 m, for dust precipitation - up to 6 m (if possible Water layer thickness). The diameter of the filter should allow pump to be freely located in the well.

Borehole filter, like the production pipe itself, does not change when used. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire a filter that is able to withstand without repair for a long time - more than 30 years.

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