There is little water in the well - why

There is little water in the well - why

It seems to have drilled a well on the water not so long ago. It was hoping that she would work twenty years at least. And she emptied in an instant. Let's look at what water disappears.

As a rule, water from the well disappears just suddenly, but gradually, just many tenants look at the problem too late, especially if we are talking about the water supply of the country area. First, the water is a little bit more, every day everything is dirtier, it contains a large amount of clay. Then the water flows slower and only after another time disappears. If the well did not use long, then the casing is a natural phenomenon. In other cases, it was most likely it was originally not correctly done, the upper unstable soil was not cut off (or dirt, loam, floating). To save the well, it is recommended to produce its cleaning - yoke. However, remember that the problem itself will not disappear, only the consequences of hassiness can be eliminated, but not the reason.

If the water from the well disappeared sharply, then, unfortunately, the drilling was not fulfilled. Such a well can no longer give water.

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If there is little water in the well, then it may be dried in the aquifer:

  • The first reason for this - the well was drilled in the technical layer, at the level of 15-20 m. The rigor is considered unsuitable for use, as its components - rain and melting water, as well as primer with a large amount of dirt that falls here from vegetable gardens, fields, sewers , roads. Such a horizon is saturated with water in the spring when the snow melts, and during the rains, heats up in the heat.
  • The second reason was drilled a well into an amiliated horizon. By the way, it happens and deeply occurring, depending on the geological conditions on the site. To increase the debit of such a well, it is recommended to add pipes, which have a large diameter - 168-219 mm. Or you can make a large sump, located at great depth.

Often, problems with the amount of water are observed in the bodies on the sand. It does not have a waterproof clay layer. Therefore, the aquifers are blurred, unstable. Level from time to time varies, depending on weather conditions, pores of the year. It is also worth considering the intensity of the water intake, which is characteristic of neighboring sites. That is, it may simply be lacking at all.

A small water level can be associated with the operation of pumping equipment: a small voltage in the network, the pump is not turned on, the wire broke off, the device broke, does not cope with the work. It may also be disturbed by the tightness of the casing or a foreign object hit it or ice was formed, even a small amount of its pressure reduces water.

Repair the situation when there is no water in the well, you can. However, first of all, determine if there is meaning in this occupation. Comerate repair - article To help you.

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