In country territories, where mainly centralized water supply is mainly lacking, well-actual well drilling. But it is preliminarily required to find a good source of groundwater, because the quality of the living moisture depends on its depth and volume, as well as its potential reserves. There are very hard ways to detect the source on the site.
In the clay unplanned pot, place 1-2 kg of silica gel, salt or red bricks. Preview the accurate weight of the moisture maker. Wrap the container into a dense tissue and jump at a depth of 0.5-1 meters at the location of the intended occurrence. After a day, get the pot and again weigh its contents. As far as the weight has increased - water is so close to the surface. For the speedy source detection, place at the same time several pots across the entire area area.
Using a barometer, measure the air pressure near the nearest reservoir or well. Then make the same measurements on the site of the intended drilling. Here, the Mercut Pole mark must be below about 0.5 mm. From the first value, we subtract the second and we get the depth in meters on which water is located.
Pretty accurate result is able to show the method of biolocation. Take two segments of aluminum wire about 40 cm each. Set 10 cm and bend the wire in this place at right angles. Insert shorter parts into the tubes from the stalks of elders, in which they had previously removed the core. We get the so-called framework capable of freely rotate on the axis of the bent wire. Next need determine the parties of light On the plot and mark their spicy. Take on the frame in every hand, the elbows press to the housing so that the wire is located parallel to the ground. Shoulder move from north to south and from east to west. Over the watercourse of the frame will begin to move and in the end they will cross in the place of the greatest accumulation of moisture.
In early morning, inspect the plot for fog. Smelling in one place or raised post fog talks about the proximity of groundwater.
Pay attention to plants. Pretty moisture is considered the OCC, reed, coltsfoot, alder, birch, fir tree. In the immediate vicinity of them, the accumulation of pure water is accurate. But Pine testifies to the opposite, because it has a long root and grows over deep water sectors.
The location of the source can suggest terrain. Solid underground layers forming tanks for accumulating filtered precipitation, repeat surface irregularities. This means that in the depressions there are more chances to find water than on the elevation.
But the most productive water search method is exploratory drilling. Use the usual garden drill with a screw diameter of 30 cm. Underwear materials. Extend the boraner knob to 6-10 meters and proceed to work. Every 15 cm spend the soil recess so as not to break the tool. Wet ground can meet already at a depth of two or three meters.
After identifying the source of water, it is recommended to refer to those skilled in the art that they estimate the power of aquifer and the feasibility of drilling in the designated place. After all, only high-quality watercourses are able to ensure trouble-free water supply for several decades.