How to clean the well

How to clean the well

Perusting of water, the presence of a green or red shade, an unpleasant taste or smell, the presence of large garbage - all these are indicators of the well-pollution. There are several ways to clean it, but before work it is important to understand the reason for the worsening of water quality. And only in accordance with this to restore the performance of the source.

After winter, when the snow has already melted, it is recommended to carry out preventive cleaning. Even if the water looks good and drinks with a bang, it can be parasitic microorganisms that are completely optional to enter the person. Dissolve the tablespoon of mangalls in the bucket of water and pour into the well. After 2-3 hours, throw back all the water. It will change a clear, disgraced liquid suitable for use.

Sand or clay particles, giving a muddy precipitate, appear due to the base of the bottom filter, that is, a gravel layer, which was laid on the bottom when building a well. Clear such a filter will help water and drainage pumps. To the first one screw the hose with a length of 50 cm and lowered the design to the bottom. In 5 minutes of operation, such a pump wakes up water and raise up or low deposits. Further, the drainage pump is fixed on the cable and plunge so that it does not get to the bottom for 30 cm. The hose of the device is offered to the place where unsuitable water will be poured. Periodically, you need to raise the pump and clean its filter. For 2 hours of such work it is possible to get rid of the 10-centimeter sand layer. How successful is the event, you will understand the transparency of the water discharged.

If the sand is still mixed with water or liquid has a nonstore smell, the reason lies in cracks, through which concrete rings pass the dirty righteous and even sewage drains. In this case, do not do without manual cleaning. You will need:

  • Long stepder, rope ladder or construction swings from the rope and board.
  • Casque, flashlight, rubber boots, safety belt.
  • Water applied with sufficient power.
  • Spatula, trowel, cement mortar.
  • Bucket, knife, soft brush for metal.
  • Two partner.

The first step is the immersion of the pump and pumping water from the upper rings. Next you need to check whether the well is not ridden. To do this, the lit candle is lowered inside: if it has not extinguished over the edge of water, oxygen is enough for breathing. One person puts on gear and descends down, the second monitors the safety cable, the third gives tools and the solution.

Cleaning the inner walls is carried out with a brush for metal or a rigid sponge - these devices will not harm concrete, but they will remove the flare and dirt. The detected cracks in the seams and the rings themselves are lubricated with mortar. Gradually pumped out the next ring and clean the plot liberated from water. When the gravel of the bottom filter is available, it should be raised to the surface, rinse thoroughly or replaced with a new one.

Next disinfect the walls of the well. As a disinfection, you can only use a solution of chlorine lime with a concentration of 10%. Other household chemicals can stand for a long time on the inner surface of the source and contact with drinking water. Chlorine solution is applied with a rigid brush on those rings that usually covers the liquid, and the remnants of the means are poured onto the bottom. The mine is covered with tarpaulin or polyethylene, leave for two days. Then you should fill and empty the well twice, and only a third water can be safely used. When chlorination, do not forget to wear the respirator, so as not to be poisoned by caustic vapors of the chemical.

When working inside the well, it is important to comply with safety techniques:

  • When you omit a bucket with cement or tools, press the wall and in no case remove the hard hat.
  • During the pump operation, do not contact with water inside the well.
  • At the bottom of the mine they will not stand for a long time in one place, otherwise the wet sand cares her leg. If you feel that you can not cross on a safe area, use the knife and free your foot from the boot.
  • Be sure to change with partners. At high depth there is a shortage of oxygen, so it is not recommended to work in a well for a long time.

If the cause of the source cleaning has become a green tint of water, it is important to close the well dense cover to prevent the fluid to disobey. The same cover will save water from falling leaves and other garbage that reduces the quality of the fluid. And in the case of red water, "general cleaning" will not be able to help: only the outer system of filters will fix the excess of iron.

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