How to deepen a well

How to deepen a well

Work on the deepening of the well is recommended to be carried out during the calm of the groundwater: this is the end of autumn - the beginning of winter (October, November). Before deciding on the need for this procedure, be sure to check the information about the reduction of water in their well. The phenomenon may have a seasonal character, and if so, then the decrease will occur massively in all nearby wells. Delublize the well in two ways: subtop and filtration.

First consider the recess procedure by the subpople. For deep work inside the well, water-mounted overalls, helmet and rubber boots will be required. A list of tools that will be useful in the work:

  • Short shovel;
  • Flexible staircase (rope);
  • Pump for water pumping from the bottom of the well;
  • Jackhammer;
  • A couple of tanks of different sizes, flashlight;
  • Equipment for lifting unnecessary soil outwards.
  • Winch with a lifting capacity of not more than 600 kg.

We remove the well house over the well, then strengthen the concrete connections (seams) with brackets. This is done one of the proposed options:

  • Fasten the anchor bolts to each seam of at least two plates made of metal.
  • Drill holes in the rings, and then drive the brackets, thereby strengthening the design. It is recommended to use the reinforcement by 12 mm.

Especially relevant to the strengthening of the seams, if there is a risk of falling floating in the well, as this happens precisely because of the displacement of the rings.


  • Using a pump or manually (buckets) pump all the water from the well.
  • We descend a reliable staircase to the bottom of the wells, fasten it.
  • Clean the bottom of the well from clay with the help of shovels and buckets, whose knobs are tied up with a rope from one end, and from another fastener hook to ensure the safety of a person working at the bottom of the well.
  • We begin to dig under the lowest ring, passing the earth with a bucket and rope on the surface.

In the process of the subpoint, the lower ring gradually sends down under pressure under the pressure of the upper weight, thereby freeing the space to establish new concrete rings outside. This process is unsafe and requires a neat approach. Digging to solid clay (waterproof layer). During the subcutter, new springs should be found, which arrives from the ground we ship upwards. At the end of the deepening, we update the bottom filter, falling asleep with the bottom of the well with rubble and gravel.

The second method is to filter the well using a self-made filter-sieve. This requires a metallic (plastic) pipe, the diameter of which should be at least 500 mm. The length of the pipe near the meter - it makes through holes with a diameter of up to 20 mm, tighten with a metal grid. The recess process occurs like this: omit the device to the bottom and trample the sand from the well.

The deepening of the well independently is a time-consuming and very cost procedure. It makes sense to carry out it, based on the following reasons:

  • For a long time there is no water.
  • Well drying.
  • The volume of water flow is less than one ring per day.
  • The depth of the well is ten or more rings.
  • Excellent condition of the wall of the well, high water quality in it.
  • No opportunity to build a new thing on this segment of the Earth.
  • If the rings are shifted horizontally more than 4 cm.
  • Well twisted.

Be prepared for the fact that the work on the deepening of the well may not give the expected result: there is a risk of overlapping aquifer with concrete rings with a too active subcode, or you can take a subpople in the floating, which will harm not only to you, and near the planning buildings. Remember that with the unsuccessful deepening well, the output one is to dig a new one.

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