On the eternal question "Well or a well - what is better" - there is no definite answer. It all depends on the depth of water in the area, from the composition of the soil and on what purpose is water.
First you need to decide how much water you will have enough for normal existence in the house or in the country. If water is needed only for household needs, it can be drilled well. Water debit of it is enough to get it, wash, get out and cook food. In any case, except the well itself near the house, a tank-drive must be installed, from which the water will flow into the dwelling. Opening your choice on the well, you need to keep in mind that the quality of the water will be the better, the deeper the fence. Water can be taken from the sandy horizon (it is closer to the surface of the Earth), and it is possible from deep artesian. The question of the financial side of the case will immediately arise here: the deeper the well, the more expensive work will cost it on its drilling.To finally decide on the water supply of the site, you need to carry out independent marketing research. Bypass at least 10 neighboring courtyards. Write how many wells and wells in them are built. Mark all the pros and "minuses", which neighbors will tell. Process material and decide what is better: well or well, but in relation to the tasks set.