Water supply of a residential building is one of the most important tasks, which is to be solved to each owner of the land plot. So that the water came without extraneous impurities and additives, and the entire system worked qualitatively and did not give a failure - in the process of its design and installation it is necessary to take into account the many nuances, one of which is the choice of pipe for the well.
In order to ensure its home with water in the lack of central water supply, most often resort to drilling wells. So that its walls are not collapsed, and the water remained clean, plastic, metal or asbetic pipes are used. Any of these materials has its own characteristics that determine the use of a pipe in each particular case. To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the following points:
well diameter and its depth;
technology of work on drilling;
the structure of the soil at the drilling site.
Steel pipes are deservedly considered the most reliable and universal. Metal 5-6 millimeters thick is ready to withstand almost any load. It is for this reason that their use in areas with movable soil is recommended. Casual pipes made of steel can be cleaned by any means, not experiencing a possible damage, and with proper care, their service life will easily exceed 50 years. In addition, it is this material that is perfect for a downhole pump. Along with steel, galvanized and enameled pipes are widely represented on the market, as well as pipes made of stainless steel. However, they are not devoid of flaws. For example, the enamelled pipe is practically unrealistic to install without chipping of the protective coating on the ground, in which corrosion appears very quickly. A long-term use of water in contact with the zinc can lead to the accumulation of zinc oxide in the human body, which will adversely affect its health. But the main minus of metal structures is their high cost. It is for this reason that work is constantly carried out on the search for alternatives of expensive steel.
Asbestos cement used for the manufacture of casing pipes is chemically neutral, not at all corrosion and can qualitatively perform its functions over the centuries. In addition, this material has become much cheaper, and if it were not for his increased fragility, he could have been the leader of this market segment for a long time. To ensure the strength of the pipe design, the pipes are made with very thick walls, and therefore it is necessary to drill a well-larger well, which is not always convenient and always entails additional costs. During installation work with the material, it is necessary to treat very carefully, since even a slight blow can lead to the formation of a small crack, due to which the further use of the pipe for the destination will become impossible.
Plastic casing pipes are increasingly popular, which can be three species: made of non-controlled polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene or low pressure polyethylene. All of them cost much less than their steel analogs and have a greater density, and the thickness of their walls and weight do not go to any comparison with the same parameters of the products from Asbestoscent. But on a par with the advantages, plastic structures, there are also disadvantages, the main of which includes a small strength and a weak resistance to mechanical damage, which is why their use is possible only in those areas where the well depth does not exceed 60 meters.
Now, knowing all the above information, you can choose exactly the pipe that is ideal for a well on your site.