How to choose a household water filter

How to choose a household water filter

It is known that today the quality of water from the crane leaves much to be desired. Due to outdated cleansing structures, as well as the wear of pipes into the house, water falls with a large amount of impurities, often containing and heavy metals. Drinking such water at least harmful to health, and in some cases and is dangerous for life. The correctly selected household filter will help make water acceptable for use.

First you need to select the appropriate type of filter. They are three types: a jug, nozzle for a crane and a stationary filter. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages. The filter jug \u200b\u200bis two tanks. From the upper water flows into the bottom, passing through the filter cassette. Advantages of such a device in ease of use, a low price, as well as the possibility of applying without stationary water supply. However, in such filters, the degree of water purification is lower than in the rest. The tap nozzles have small dimensions, a low price, but the volume of the sorbent is very small, for purified water you have to use individual containers. Stationary filters are embedded directly into the plumbing. Despite the fairly high price, the quality of filtration is significantly higher than that of the devices of other types. A separate crane is displayed for purified water, which makes such filters very convenient to use.

When the type of filter is already selected, pay attention to the material from which it is made. A qualitative device must be made of materials that prevent the reproduction of various microorganisms, unsafe for health. For stationary filters, the strength of the material is also important.

When choosing an absorbent material, you must focus on local water features. Some sorbents are better cleaning the water from heavy metals, while others from bacteria and viruses. Therefore, before choosing a filter, explore the composition of the tap water in your area.

A high-quality filter should not throw out pollutants into water even after the deadline for the work. Please pay special attention to this, otherwise all filtered substances will return back to the water you will drink. During operation, it is desirable to change the filter material on time, because even a quality device after the expiration of the performance of the filtering is significantly reduced.

When choosing a filter, the advantage is better to produce producers products, for which the manufacture of water purifiers is the main activity. As a rule, such manufacturers have the quality of the goods much higher.

A responsible approach to the choice of a cleansing filter will provide high quality water consumed and thus will save from serious health problems in the future.

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