How to choose a mixer for the bathroom

How to choose a mixer for the bathroom

The bathroom is a special place where you can relax, relieve the alarms and devote time exclusively. Therefore, about the comfort of this part of the apartment of the owners care especially scrupulously. The correct mood is capable of creating high-quality plumbing, which perfectly fit into the room design. To choose a mixer costs carefully ...

Mixers are classified according to various criteria. According to the water supply mechanism, there are single-art, two-dimensional, thermostatic and non-contact. Single-art mixers are most popular among middle-class consumers. The mechanism of this device allows you to adjust the pressure and the temperature of the movement of one lever. The flow of water, if necessary, can be covered with only one movement. As a subspecies of single-art mixers allocate joysticks. Their main difference from standard representatives of the species is the vertical position of the joystick (instead of the handle).

Two-dense mixers. A bit outdated, but not lost fans of bath faucers. On average, cheaper than one-loaded mixers. Frequently used in modern design as a good bathroom accessory in a vintage or classic style. It has two valves for cold and hot water. The inconvenience of this type of mixers is a large number of rotational movements that need to be made to adjust the desired temperature and water pressure. Also from minuses - the presence of sealing pads that need a frequent replacement, otherwise the crane will leak.

Thermostatic mixers. Regarding the "new word" in modern plumbing. The user independently sets the temperature of the water that the thermostatic mixer supports constantly. In this case, the parameters of water supply over the highway do not matter. These mixers provide a high level of security, especially if there are small children who risk burning hot water.

Contactless mixers. The newest type of mixers in the market. Special infrared sensors are responsible for water supply, manual control is excluded. You should only bring your hands to the crane - and water is served. Some of these devices running from the network, others have built-in batteries.

Mixers are also classified according to the installation method. Curling faucets are installed on the edge of the bath. They are neat, hide the hose, however, in this and the main disadvantage of this type of mixers lies. In the installation process, the hose is invariably bend and often fails.

Faucets that are embedded in the wall. All mechanisms during the installation process are hiding into the wall, leaving the key elements to the handle, the spout, the shower watering. This type of plumbing is most popular among consumers.

Outdoor mixers. Will become an excellent element of the bathroom in the style of high-tech. It has such a mixer of 1-2 racks that mask water lining. True, such aggregates are suitable only for those who make the bathroom repair "from scratch", since the water supply must be carried out by a special way, below.

At the place of the attachment, the mixers are divided into devices for washbasin, bathtubs, soul and bidet.

When choosing a mixer for the bathroom, pay attention to the material from which it is manufactured. The perfect option for the hull is brass. Fasteners should be made of stainless metal. Details from these materials are resistant to water and, accordingly, have a long service life. A good coating for mixers and parts is chromium or enamel. If the first practical is ideal, then the second - it has a property to roll out.

Specialists advise not to save on the acquisition of a high-quality mixer of the famous brand, because the miser pays twice. When buying, check for the presence of a mesh filter, which is located inside the crane. When using water from urban water pipes, it is extremely useful, delaying rust.

To determine the high-quality mixer, just weigh it in your hand. The original apparatus will be much hard "counterfeit colleagues." Lung to you a couple!

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