What shower cabin to choose

What shower cabin to choose

In cases where the area or labeling of the bathroom does not allow you to install a traditional bath, showing shower cabins are becoming a real rescue. They occupy a minimum of space and help save space for furniture or washing machine.

All shower cabins on the type of design are divided into open and closed. The package of an open cabin includes pallet and enclosing doors. The sidewalls of such a shower corner are the walls of the bathroom. The main advantages of such designs are accessibility, ease of installation and compactness. The complete set of a closed shower includes a complete set of all structural elements - a special bottom, a door system, side walls and a ceiling panel. In addition, such shower boxes are distinguished by the presence of a multifunctional technical "filling" - it can be hydromassage, steam generator, aromatherapy, ozonation and / or Finnish sauna.

Also pay attention to forms, dimensions and depth of the pallet - it is it that is the main element of the design. Pallets are the most different shapes - square, rectangular, multifaceted, round and oval. Designs with rectilinear pallets are, as a rule, cheaper rounded cabins with radius pallets, however, in conditions of a small-sized bathroom, it is advisable to overpay for shower with the door of the curved shape to achieve the most rational use of space. As for the size of the pallet, this parameter also directly depends on personal preferences and the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom.

All shower pallets are divided into small (with a side of up to 30 cm) and deep (the height of the side of 30 cm). The deeper the bottom - the wider his functionality. The deep pallet is an excellent solution for families with young children, since such a bed can be used as a sedent bath. Also in such a pallet it is convenient to erase things manually - both delicate and overall. At the same time, the high board of the cabin can become a real problem for a person in age, so for the elderly, it will be more comfortable designs with a small bottom.

Special attention deserves the material from which the shower tray is made - it must be wear-resistant and durable to withstand a significant vertical load. In addition, high-quality bottom should have a special embossed (anti-slip) coating. The most common are such pallets:

  • Acrylic - differ in good heat-saving qualities (quickly heated) and low noise, however require additional frame strengthening, since over time they can be fed under the weight of the vertical load.
  • Ceramic - have an excellent aesthetic appearance and look much more effectively than artificial acrylic analogues. It should be borne in mind that Santehfayans is a fairly fragile material, which even with a gentle operation with time is covered by "web" thin cracks.
  • Steel - very practical and reliable. In order to reduce noise, they are recommended to additionally equip a special soundproofing foam pad (it is fixed to the back side of the bottom).
  • Pallets made of artificial stone are beautiful and durable, however, it is quite expensive.

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Watching the shower cabinets, pay attention to the door opening system. Models with a swollen mechanism - an excellent option for spacious bathrooms. If each centimeter of the bathroom area on the account, it is better to give preference to the cabins with a sliding door configuration that are equipped on the principle of a conventional wardrobe.

The doors of shower cabins are glass or plastic. Models with cable glasses will be more expensive - they are reliable, durable and visually beautiful. Cabins with transparent PVC doors are an order of magnitude cheaper, but after a certain time they are nervous and lose its initial attractiveness. Matted / tinted plastic doors are considered more practical - divorce and dried water flows are less noticeable on such surfaces.

Following our recommendations, you will easily select a suitable shower cabin for your bathroom.

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