How to make a bath in the floor

How to make a bath in the floor

Looking through glossy magazines, often in the eyes rush bizarre-shaped baths, throwing color or integrated into the floor or podium. Nothing amazing, because the technical revolution is gaining momentum! Consider the design features and installation technology of an embedded bath.

Characteristic of an embedded bath

Integrated structures look really luxurious and exquisite, but also they have many advantages. Take such a bath very convenient, especially if you are tired. It is also an ideal solution for the elderly owners or people with limited abilities. In addition, in a similar way, it turns out to visually increase the space in the bathroom.

Baths, which are embedded in the floor, differ significantly from standard:

  1. Their main difference is in the visual savings of space, but the traditional design still is selected.
  2. Constructive differences are available: the configuration of the embedded bath is different, it has a flat bottom and equipped with ladders placed on the inner surface that are necessary for the removal of spurni water.
  3. The third difference is the drain mechanism that is arranged taking into account the increased requirements for reliability.

Assortment of baths

The range of baths suitable for installation in the floor is quite huge.


Depending on the material from which the design is manufactured, the baths are cast-iron, acrylic and steel. Acrylic is the perfect raw material in this regard, as it allows you to make an embedded bath absolutely any shape and size and is characterized by increased thermal insulation. High durability inherent in a cast-iron baths, but such products are heavy, so when installing the floor it should definitely be strengthened.

The form

The integrated bath is suitable for installation in huge rooms, where the traditional bath is simply reminiscent of puddle and for accommodation in an oversized room, if you choose its form correctly. For location, the wall will fit the design, which has an oval shape. When installing in the center of the room, you should give preference to a round product. In addition to round and oval, corner baths are also highlighted, which are chosen for installation in the corner.

Additional functions

Built-in baths are usually equipped with many options, in particular this illumination, ozonation, disinfection, jacuzzi, hydro and aeromassage, highlighting, and even imitation of sea waves.

Acrylic bath GEMY GEMY G 9060 2100x2100x800 mm (embedded)

Mounting conditions

When installing an embedded bath in the floor, it is recommended to pay attention to the conditions of the procedure, otherwise your undertaking is doomed to failure:

  • For urban apartment, a classic integrated bath is taboo, even if you live on the first floor of a high-rise building. After all, for such works, you will need a special permit for cutting overlap plates, which no state organization will issue. In the case of unauthorized installation, there are no problems, since the integrity of the building is disturbed. However, in urban conditions, it is possible to install an integrated bath - for this it is enough to equip the podium from the plasterboard, which is subsequently covered with a tree or ceramic tiles.
  • Great to implement such an idea of \u200b\u200ba private house and a spacious bathroom in it. Installation of the design is made on the first floor, the alternative is the basement. If you wish to put on the second floor, if you have a special reinforced concrete construction during construction, which will support the embedded bath.
  • When installing an integrated bath, pay special attention to the sewage system and the installation of the pumping station. Since such products come from constructive features on the pools, you should count on the impressive consumption of water. The average volume of the tank is 300 liters.

Installation of the bath in the floor

So we came to the main question, how to make a bath in the floor:

  1. High-quality installation involves the presence of a pit. Dock the pit that coincides with the shape of the bath. It should not be below the foundation of the house. Consider that after the placement of the bath in such a kind of niche, it should sit like a cast. When selecting the depth of the pit, calculate that the bath installed on the legs should rise above the floor of no more than 50 mm, and after fixing the supports - rely on the finishing floor.
  2. Walls and floor pit should be concreted.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to bring in the pit, namely, the area of \u200b\u200bthe future hidden hatch, all communications are sewer and water pipes.
  4. Further go to the construction assembly process. Install the siphon and attach to the bottom of the support, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendation. Do not forget to embed the mixer into the bath.
  5. Now insert the bath into the prepared pit. In this case, its legs should be raised to the maximum possible position. Further act as when installing a regular bath, that is, connect it to the sewer and plumbing network using corrugated metal sleeves made of stainless steel. From using flexible hoses it is better to refuse, because they are not distinguished by reliability and durability.
  6. After installing the bath in the floor and its connections, it is recommended to test the test product test. Fill it with water and check whether the compounds and bonds are sealed and there is no leakage.
  7. The final stage is the floor cladding. You can choose as a traditional option that consists in the use of ceramic tiles, and refer to the more original 3D-flooring technology.
  8. An important detail is the overflow tray, which is done around the perimeter of the bath to protect against splashing water and remove it into the sewer. Close the overflow tray with plastic grille.

If you wish, install a sliding design built into the floor in the floor in the form of horizontal sash a la doors-compartment.

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