The sale presents a large number of different screens under the bathroom for every taste and wallet. But if desired, the design can be done independently, adding it an additional locker or drawer for things. What is very attractive - specialized equipment is not required.
Make your own hands will get a stationary or sliding screen. At the same time, you need to take into account the basic requirements that are extended to such a design:
Be sure to have a technological opening in order to have access to all communications. As a rule, it is closed with a plug or doors.
Sealed floor insulation near the screen.
The bath should not rely on the screen, as it does not perform the functions of the supporting structure.
At first glance, a little suitable for the wet environment. But it is not. The basis of the screen is made of bricks, trimming it with plasterboard, plastic, MDF, OSB, decorating with tiles or plaster.
The brick screen is laid between the walls where the bath is located, withstanding the thickness into the Pollipich. Regular rows are shifted by a half-brick, pereshivaya it. In a designed to access the plum place, make a window where the door will later be attached. Despite the fact that the brick wall is strong enough, follow the rules and do not rely on her a bath. Make between its edge and the last row of bricks gap, which usually amounts to 1-2 cm, and subsequently blown with foam. Then you can proceed to the skin of brickwork.
The most suitable option is the covering of plasterboard. A metal profile or a wooden bar is suitable for the framework of the frame. But in the last embodiment, process the material with the soil, which is inherent in antiseptic and protective functions, otherwise the appearance of rot and mold is inevitable. Making a frame, consider that it should be a bit in-depth, since the facet is located on top of the trim. To deepen the frame from the edge of the bath is necessary on the thickness that the subsequent trim will have. With these works, use a plumb to adjust.
Secure the UD profile line by the outlined line. Lower when fixing, glue a sealant to avoid water from the bath. The CD profile is in the vertical direction, attaching to the reference profile. Hold the distance between them, which is 600 mm. In order to strengthen the design, additionally install the racks in the place where the technological hole will be. In the center of the bath it is recommended to provide a ledge. Profile Put the letter P and deepen under the bath of centimeters for ten.
For finishing screen, you can use moisture-resistant plasterboard, which should be cut into the corresponding length, as well as the height of the entire design, minus 2 cm. Self-inspections in the center of the profile and around the perimeter are used, withstanding a step at 15 cm. Act the extremely carefully so that the screws are not damaged the bath! From her gender and edges, it is recommended to retreat 1 cm to prevent the swelling of the drywall - despite its water resistance, the destructive water contact. After the trim, swipe the drywall and finishing the selected material - film, tile. You can use decorative plaster. Some owners prefer detergent.
The process of plating MDF, OSB occurs almost the same as when using drywall. The difference only consists in creating slots in the screen for ventilation. They should be located on the opposite side from the one where the technological hole is placed. The slot must be of the width of about 2-3 cm, and the length will be 5-10 cm. Cover it with a plastic grid. Printing MDF sheets follows from both sides before they are fixed on the frame.
To get a beautiful fine trim, which does not require additional finishes or processing, give preference to plastic lining. In addition, there is no significant effort to gain access to communications - the screen is easily disassembled. For fastening the wallboard, you will need a starting profile. First attached under the edge of the bath metal profile, which can be replaced with a timber. Then records a profile of plastic. To eliminate the deformation of plastic lining and give strength to the screen, the profile is also fixed in the middle of the design, and the sealant is fixed below. To cut the plastic strips, a construction knife is used. Material is raised by the edges in the starting profile. So you need to do until the entire surface is scored. Where the hole is located, remove the rectangle and insert a special door made of plastic.
Instead of door, you can put a plastic revision hatch that should be bought in the store. The maximum dimensions of such products are 600 per 800mm. Therefore, take into account its overall dimensions when creating a technological hole.
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