  • Ceiling
    To separate the walls and ceiling of the premises use a variety of materials. They are selected according to various properties of operation, in appearance and texture, strength and care requirements.
    11.07.2018 338 0
  • House and Gen.
    Sooner or later in any room, be it home, office, cottage or apartment, you will have to make repairs. For those who do not know, the cost of construction works is quite high today, so if you want to save, you need to study yourself, and after practicing some basic types of repair work.
    24.04.2018 329 0
  • Decoration Materials
    Masters often have to deal with the problem of holes in the wall. They can be small from the pulled nail or large when a solid piece of putty or plaster disappears.
    09.01.2018 451 0
  • Mounting
    One of the most sought-after and affordable thermal insulation materials used in construction for the insulation of buildings is the foam.
    14.11.2017 379 0
  • Interior
    Decorative plaster - durable and aesthetically attractive finishing material, with which you can change the space and give the will of your fantasy.
    01.11.2017 436 0
  • Mounting
    Increasingly, people choose the construction of houses from environmentally friendly materials, namely tree. The time to build a wooden house is the smallest amount, as well as its construction is a budget option.
    12.03.2017 418 0
  • Interior
    The modular pattern is a picturesque cloth, divided into modules - separate parts. It looks spectacular on the walls, the interior revives and gives positive emotions to both the owners of the house and its guests.
    12.03.2017 494 0
  • Mounting
    The tile is the most common material used for wall cladding and floor. Therefore, most people who want to perform the layout of the tile are wondering how to do it correctly.
    05.03.2017 454 0
  • Interior
    Every person dreams of his secluded corner, but not always the apartment is divided into rooms that can be issued as an office, living room or bedroom.
    05.03.2017 486 0
  • Tools, equipment
    Smooth walls in the house are the dream of each owner. The easiest way to achieve this is to strip their plasterboard.
    03.02.2017 463 0
  • Finish
    Plasterboard is the most popular and popular finishing material. With the help of drywall, it is possible to align walls and ceilings, as well as make your highlight in the design of the room.
    27.01.2017 531 0
  • Mounting
    Everyone dreams of a cozy apartment with high-quality repairs, a comfortable interior and tastefully selected modern furniture.
    19.01.2017 482 0
  • Finish
    Plasterboard is convenient for its use due to high ecology, the effective ratio of the complexity of the work and the value of the material and ease of use.
    16.01.2017 465 0
  • Wallpaper
    Beginner masters when repairing its apartment think that wallpaper sticking is a common thing, and everyone can cope with him.
    21.11.2016 522 0
  • Mounting
    The presence of a gap between the wall and the border of the bath - the situation is quite common. This gap should immediately close up so that the water does not flow to the floor during the soul.
    09.08.2015 1240 0
  • Mounting
    Despite the fact that the blending of the wallpaper seems like a light procedure, it requires the right approach, since the final result and qualitative wall decoration depends on this.
    03.08.2015 1647 0
  • Mounting
    The kitchen is a significant place in the house, guests are accepted here and arrange parties, a family is going at the table, and the hostess spends especially much time for the preparation of culinary delights.
    04.07.2015 1549 0
  • Mounting
    Consider the order of structures on the wall of the frame of the frame of metal profiles intended for plasterboard sheets.
    18.06.2015 1173 0
  • Mounting
    Quite often in the apartments there is a need for wall niches, where household items and equipment are placed.
    13.06.2015 1661 0
  • Mounting
    It is no secret that the prices for utility services are not low and constitute a decent part of the income of citizens. The owners of the apartments in winter are trying to insulate housing so that heat as possible as possible in the room.
    10.06.2015 1661 0
  • Mounting
    More recently, tile and decorative tiles were used to repair in the bathroom. Today, instead of these traditional finishing materials, moisture-resistant paints are increasingly used.
    06.06.2015 1027 0
  • Mounting
    Laminate is a popular flooring. But, as you know, it is through the inappropriate use of this finishing material that you can make a highlight to the interior of the dwelling.
    06.06.2015 1247 0
  • Mounting
    You have an apartment, the repair has already been made, and before the balcony, all the hands did not reach. And finally it was time to bring this object in order.
    01.06.2015 1154 0
  • Mounting
    The execution of the opening in a brick or reinforced concrete wall will require thorough preparation, deliberate actions and severe physical exertion.
    01.06.2015 1536 0
  • Mounting
    The appearance of mold in the apartment is a real disaster that cannot be ignored. This "velvet enemy" slowly, but confidently destroys decorative decoration in the room and, most importantly, the health of residents.
    25.05.2015 1145 0
  • Mounting
    A tree is not enough that ecological, still durable, attractive finishing material. After buying a house before the owner there is a question of which cosmetic repairs to make in the room, in particular, how to arrange the walls.
    07.05.2015 1332 0
  • Mounting
    For a cheap whitewash and disinfection of walls most often use lime. Thanks to her, there will be no fungus and mold.
    28.04.2015 1527 0
  • Mounting
    According to statistics, a third of country houses are built using sawn timber. The tree remains a trend of private house-building.
    23.04.2015 1335 0
  • Mounting
    In an effort to hide from the urban world and urban fuss, our compatriots are increasingly building country wooden houses, not only as a tribute to fashion, but also as a reflection of centuries-old traditions.
    23.04.2015 2005 0
  • Mounting
    Residents of panel houses and those "lucky" who are forced to listen to scandals, music, child crying and even the details of the intimate life of neighbors, dream of noise insulation.
    23.02.2015 1083 0
  • Mounting
    Proper profile mount guarantees the reliability of the plasterboard design. During work, you have to connect and lengthen the details, use various dowels and screws for mounting.
    20.02.2015 2288 0
  • Mounting
    In the course of repair and finishing work, there is a need to drill the walls that are most often concrete.
    13.02.2015 1773 0
  • Mounting
    If you started repairs, then there is a need to determine how much finishing material is needed - paints, wallpaper, plaster, putty, glue.
    25.01.2015 2635 0
  • Mounting
    Alignment of walls is an urgent problem even for new buildings. The most common way to solve it is the use of plasterboard sheets that are mounted frame or frameless way.
    08.12.2014 1525 0
  • Waterproofing, thermal insulation
    In order to save energy and increase the temperature indoors, the property owners increasingly began to resort to the insulation of facades.
    09.10.2014 2146 0
  • Mounting
    The main requirement for the preparation of the surface under painting is a flawlessly smooth surface. Many surfaces are unsuitable for applying paint, these include drywall sheets and cement-sand plaster.
    11.09.2014 1566 0
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