How to align the walls with your own hands

How to align the walls with your own hands

Everyone dreams of a cozy apartment with high-quality repairs, a comfortable interior and tastefully selected modern furniture. However, in the premises where uneven walls, such a magnificence is fading. Often, small dawns are trying to hide, resorting to different tricks, for example, closed with furniture. But there will be no cabinet or chair to stand in one place all the time, sooner or later you want to make a permutation and again, meet with this lack of walls. Therefore, we advise to level the walls, and not mask their shortcomings.

How to align the walls putty

  • An inexperienced person to align the walls with putty will be difficult, the corners of the right shape may not be possible from the first time and the perfectly flat surface of the walls. An experienced person can cope with the alignment of the walls with putty independently, without any help.
  • It is also necessary to know which type of putty is suitable for the room. For residential rooms, it is recommended to use a mixture based on plaster - this material allows you to achieve good results, it supports a favorable climate in the room and dries up much faster. For wet premises, it is better to use cement-sand formulations, they are not so much exposed to moisture.
  • Many are familiar with this method of alignment, besides, it is considered classic. Such walls can remain without overhaul, you do not need to spend often to spend on their update. It is worth adding another important moment, layers of plaster and putty thin, they will not affect the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • However, this method of alignment is laborious: the walls are fully cleaned from the old layers of all sorts of pollution and building mixtures, the height of the walls of the wall is measured, the lighthouses are made, the beacons are installed and putty are applied. After drying, the surface is needed to fly and produce a grout. After the end of the alignment of the walls, the plaster requires no less labor-intensive cleaning.

How to Align Walls - Step-by-step instructions

  • Prepare the walls: Cut the old wallpaper to get rid of them easier, moisten with a sprayer. After cleaning the surface thoroughly.
  • Unscrew all bolts and screws.
  • If you need to transfer sockets and light, then it is necessary to do it at this stage. With the help of a grinder, make recesses for wiring.
  • Now you can proceed with the priming of the walls, it is necessary for a good clutch of putty with the wall.
  • After completion of the primer of the walls, you can begin to close the seams. We recommend adding PVA glue to the solution for the best possible result.
  • You can start applying plaster. This is not spontaneously produced, it is generally desirable to install beacons and already perform work on them, but this method is considered very laborious and costly. You can take advantage of the construction level and to mark the gaps in the pencil drops and put the plaster data.

How to align the walls with plasterboard

  • Such alignment is popular thanks to its simplicity and short-term work. Such repair processes do not require special skills, surfaces of walls, and drywall do not need preliminary preparation.
  • Make walls with a putty with the same perfectly smooth surface like a drywall can only be a real professional who has a skill to work with raw material.
  • Alignment of the walls of plasterboard makes it possible in the apartment to create an additional sound and thermal insulating layer.
  • It is worth mentioning that dry-glassboard plates are heavy, it is impossible to align the wall independently, without the assistant can not do. You also need to know what type of drywall is suitable for the kitchen, which bath, and what for residential rooms.
  • The walls, alleged with drywall, though durable, but still it is necessary to maintain massive items with caution - the load should be less than on the walls that were aligned with construction mixtures.
  • After alignment of the walls with drywall, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is reduced, so this method is not suitable for small rooms.

How to Align Walls - Step-by-step instructions

  • Wall marking is one of the main stages of alignment. The main thing is to know that the distance between the profiles on the axes is from each other should be 60 cm, the profiles must be long, the corresponding height of the ceiling.
  • Start the framework of the frame from the installation of profiles on the ceiling, floor and walls. So that the design was perfectly smooth, your profiles should be located in the vertical plane. Now you can attach the suspensions to the walls, they will be attached to the profile.
  • Rate profiles Set, considering the upper and lower guides. Before fixing the profile, align all in terms of level, in order to avoid curvature design.
  • You can start the installation of plasterboard. Mounted profiles secure sheets on the tapping screw. Self-tapping caps need to be dragged into sheets, so you will avoid all possible irregularities, the resulting holes will last put along with putty.
  • After fixing sheets, you can close the joints between them and the holes from the screws of the screws. Be sure to treat the entire surface of the primer. After drying it, you need to smoke the sheets of sheets with a special construction ribbon and walk along them with putty.
  • After drying the putty, all irregularities to work as a grinder. Now your walls are perfectly smooth.

We told you about two ways to align the walls, discovered all the positive and negative points in working with them. Each of them is effective in aligning walls, what to choose for your housing - to solve only you.

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