How to align the floor with your own hands

How to align the floor with your own hands

The alignment of a draft base is a prerequisite for the arrangement of the floor in the room. Some floor coverings, such as a well -known and revered laminate, do not even suffer the slightest defects and irregularities present on the basic surface. To prevent negative consequences, carefully get acquainted with the above instructions.

Grinding the floor

The simplest alignment method that allows you to remove minor changes is grinding. In small rooms, for example, a children's or office, you can use sandpaper for this purpose. For more spacious rooms, you will need a special grinding machine. After the procedure, it is necessary to cover the surface with a primer to form a strong upper layer of the base.

Self -burning mixture

The operational method of leveling the floor, which has drops up to 0.5 centimeters, is to fill a special self -leveling mixture:

  1. In this case, there is no need to set the level and installation of lighthouses, although a laser device should be used to control the height.
  2. Using the level, find the highest point on the basis of the highest point and make marks on the walls - before this level you will fill the mixture.
  3. Grind the surface and lay the waterproofing film when the base dries.
  4. The self -leveling mixture is prepared according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer. It is recommended to prepare the composition in small quantities, because after 15 minutes it will lose its properties and become firm.
  5. Pour the mixture with a small strip, leaving after that with a spatula.
  6. Now leave the surface and wait for it to completely harden. This happens, as a rule, within 3 days.
  7. In the polymerization of the mixture, the presence of drafts, working heating and ventilation devices, temperature fluctuations is unacceptable.

Screed-floor-sulfur ruki

Traditional screed

The classic of the genre is a mixture prepared from sand and cement, which is advisable to use with significant surfaces:

  • To align the base, you can use factory dry compounds or a mixture cooked with your own hands. For a homemade mixture, you will need cement (1 part), sand and water - 3 parts each. By consistency, the mass should resemble thick sour cream.
  • Install the level marks on the walls using the laser device, and on the floor, which should be dry and clean, guide beacons.
  • The cement-sand mixture must be filled with the space between the guides, leaving it with the rule. Also for this work you can adapt an ordinary even rail.
  • Wait a couple of hours and then process the surface using a tool called a wooden half.
  • After another day, the lighthouse rails should be removed from the screed and the gaps are formed that formed in their place. For this, a similar solution is used as when arranging the screed.
  • In order for the layer to gain maximum strength, at least 28 days will pass. All this time, moisturize the screed and cover with the film, protecting from drafts. It is recommended to moisturize 2 times a day.


Dry screed

To create a dry screed, chipboard, GVL, drywall, plywood are used, and the whole procedure for aligning the floor is as follows:

  1. First you need to set the floor level and lay a layer of waterproofing on the base.
  2. Install the logs from the beam, to which the skin will subsequently be attached. To the basic floor, they are fixed using dowels.
  3. Up the frame you should lay the finishing material that you have chosen for a dry screed. The sheathing, whether it is sheets or panels, is attached to the bars of self -tapping screws.
  4. To simplify the alignment of the floor, you can use ready -made systems - regulated lags. However, in this case, remember that the height of the ceilings will decrease by more than 10 cm.

Paul's cycle

It is possible to align the base made of wood in accordance with the following instructions:

  • If there are tangible defects and failures on the surface, you will have to replace the floor elements that are damaged. Removed boards need to be strengthened - nail. Sometimes there may be a need to completely dismantle the base.
  • Then you should resort directly to the cycle itself - the alignment method, which is applicable exclusively for the floor of wood. Working with a special machine, it is necessary to remove the upper layer of the material with all its defects and irregularities.
  • Then you need to remove all the wood dust from the base and primed it.


Paul putty

The most budgetary way to help align the floor is to use a special putty. For its manufacture, the sawdust is mixed with PVA glue. The surface leveling technology in this case is similar to cement-sand leveling, but it necessarily requires a final flooring of thin plywood before laying the finish flooring.

Thus, only the owner himself can choose a suitable method of leveling the draft floor, depending on his priorities, whether it is minimizing expenses, reducing labor costs, and the speed of work.

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