How to align the wooden floor plywood

How to align the wooden floor plywood

Alignment of the floor plywood is the easiest and most affordable way to prepare the surface of the wooden floor to laying linoleum, parquet board or laminate. Plywood has a number of advantages over other materials: it is easy to deform, has excellent breathability, has high strength and durability. That is why the alignment of the floor plywood enjoys the greatest popularity.

To perform the floor alignment work in this method, you will need tools:

  • Fastener material: self-tapping screws, dowels.
  • Roulette for measuring values.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Water level.
  • Electrolovka.

Before alignment, be sure to check the wooden floor for strength, as well as for the presence of spoiled or creaking boards, and replace them. Also, you should pay attention to the heights of the foundation in different places and measure the greatest value between them:

  • If the difference in altitudes is small, then there is a substrate to eliminate it.
  • If the drops are 10 mm and more, then the lags are installed strictly horizontally using a water level.
  • It is necessary to determine the brand and thickness of plywood, which directly depend on the type of coating: thin sheets are suitable for carpet or linoleum, and for laminate or parquet, a plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm will be required.
  • The base should be the thickness of the floor covering on it, especially if it is a laminate or parquet.

Next, we perform test laying and fit the plywood on the leveling surface. The plywood sheets are made in the form of a square with a side of 125 mm, and for the convenience of laying we cut them into four pieces. The edges of the divided parts carefully inspect the presence of damage and bundles and replace the spoiled pieces. The next step is to fit and cut the plywood sheets under existing excavations, doorways, outputs and entrances for wiring, as well as indoor angles. After cutting off the plywood sheets, plywood are laid out on a wooden base in the order in which laying will occur.

Putting high density phaneer should take into account its tendency to deformation when the temperatures and high humidity drops and leave the gap between the chunks of 5-10 mm. The gap between the wall and plywood should be at least 10-20 mm. The weathered distance between the sheets will provide free air circulation and increase the durability of the floor covering. Having placed the Phaneur on the wooden floor as the alignment will be performed, numerate all pieces in order or make sketching the scheme of its laying. You can place the order of plywood on the floor using chalk: carefully think over the whole process and make tags. We collect plywood sheets back only when you are sure that lay it out again in the same order.

After experimental laying, we carry out the installation of the lag on a wooden base. Bar width 30-40 cm - these are lags that are secure self-drawing or glit to the floor:

  • If the gaps between the floor and lags appear when laying, then fill them with pieces of plywood, which cut out so as to fill the emissions formed.
  • Lubricate the pre-drunk pieces of plywood with glue on both sides and find the gaps.
  • Altage differences eliminate the same actions.

Floor equalization efficiency is determined by the correct location of the lag, which is measured using a level. Then there is a bag of magnitude equal to the size of the chosen plywood. The emptiness between the lags fill the seal. Freedy to the floor to the floor according to the developed scheme or on the tags made in advance with self-draws with plastic dowels. We do it like this: first drill holes at the places of consolidation, then we perform their cenks in order to hide the hats of the screws. The dimensions of the holes must correspond to the diameter of the screws.

Securing the plywood sheets on the lags, select the final method of its processing, which directly depends on the floor covering. Laminate flooring requires grinding work to subsequently cover the basis of varnish. Under the parquet and laminate laid the substrate that provides noise insulation. Thus, you can perform alignment of many surfaces, and not just a wooden floor. Plywood alignment is a universal method of preparing the base for flooring flooring.

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