Each man is able to make a wooden floor, it is enough to own carpense skills and explore the technology of work.
First, prepare the base of the floor and set the lags. Align the earthen base, alternately poured on it and compliment the sand layer with a thickness of 5 to 7 cm and crushed stone. Top pour all the broken stone, pour cement mortar.
The second option of the base resembles a column foundation, with a concrete base and brickwork up to three bricks over the soil. They will hold lags. Perform waterproofing work on the basis by applying a hydrobarrier or film.
For lags, lumber from oak, pine, ash, are suitable for lags. Brous thickness - more than 45 mm. Before laying a log, feed chemicals to rescue from insect-parasites. The number of supports is associated with the size of the half. For boards, 30-40 mm thick between lags, 80 cm gap are left between lags, for flooring less thickness, the size decreases to 50 cm for lumber more than 40 mm - 1 m.
Before working, bring the lags to the room, do not touch for several days. Set two beams from opposite walls to mounting wedges. Ensure that the surfaces of both parts are in a horizontal plane. If necessary, ensure horizontal wedges.
Secure the wedges to the lags by self-drawing, turning them at an angle to the vertical surface of the log. Tension silk threads between bars and secure, bringing to touch with upper planes. Install the remaining bars on the floor, bringing them to contact with the threads. Secure the lags to the base of the dowels or anchors. The upper part of the fasteners are drowned into the body of wood for 2-3 mm.
Between the beams to put the heat insulator (mineral wool). There should be a 03-2.5 cm gap between the cotton and the upper surface of the beams, and the horizontal is a gap of 2-3 mm. Top on the beams to put the membrane of waterproofing with an adhesive in 20 cm. The joints connect the scotch.
The selection of wood breed for flooring is influenced by the purpose of the room. In the bath or bathroom boards should be moisture-resistant - from oak or larch.
When buying, choose dry cropped and tongue boards that do not require grinding, without cracks and bitch. Buy the amount of wood by 15% more, taking into account her dermole. The minimum length of the floorboard is 2 m. If the board does not pull from one wall to another, cut it so that the edges lay down exactly in the middle of the support bar. Treat timber with antiseptic means.
Place the first sample on the lags near the wall opposite the doorway, leaving the slot 10-15 mm. Secure the Hall of Nails or Samores. The length of the fastener should be 5 times higher than the thickness of the board, and the sizes of the screws are 2.5 times. Scroll at an angle, clutch the hat into the body of the material. Next to the fixed flooring, put a few boards, but do not attach. Check the wood rings on different segments are not located nearby.
Next to the extreme board in the support timber will score a metal bracket, which will be support for the wedge. Between the device and board, hammer the wedge and leaving the gaps between the elements. Secure the finally the board to lags, then remove the bracket and wedge. Repeat the operation to the very end. Between the last floor and the wall, leave 10-15 mm. On the diagonal of the room, run the openings in the boards for ventilation.
Poblip the places of board connections. If the painting of the flooring is not planned, thoroughly stabbing the entire surface of the floor and perform the leaching of gray. Sproute the surface with a composition of vegetable oil and olifa and cover with varnish. During painting brush, move along the fibers of the material.
Close the holes in the floor with grates. In the perimeter of the room, the plinth is a plunder and close the gaps.
For the floor most often bought pine boards. This tree occupies large growing areas and therefore relatively cheap. The room with pine floors will pleasantly smell and create a comfortable setting.