How to align the floor plywood

How to align the floor plywood

Floor alignment sheets of plywood is a spent method of creating a solid and smooth base for subsequent laying of any floor covering. Technology allows you to avoid "dirty" work, without which it does not do pouring cement tie., as well as reduce repair time.

Selection of material. Plywood of the first grade is most expensive and has no defects, the second-grade sheets are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio, the third class can be used to reduce the cost of repair work, the fourth category is not suitable for the floor. In private construction, the plywood of two brands is applied:

  • FSF - material with high moisture resistance, although containing phenol formaldehyde, but permitted for interior;
  • FC - sheets with medium moisture resistance, with their manufacture using carbide resin-based adhesive, less harmful.

The plywood thickness depends on the state of the base or from the step between lags, is selected within 8-20 mm.

To mount the plywood flooring on its own, you need a regular tool: drill and drill, screwdriver, level, wood-hacksaw. Sheets are cut by manual circular saw or electric jigsaw.

Easy way alignment. Worn upholstered or parquet floor with small irregularities (less than 10 mm) is allowed to be covered with thick plywood without an aligning frame. The material is placed with gaps: to the walls - 20-30 mm, and between sheets - 2-4 mm. Plywood is glued on mastic or fastened with screws in tight, for which the recess is drilled under the hat. On a concrete basis, waterproofing is additionally organized by such rolled materials as "isospin" or TYVEK.

Lagam plywood alignment - applied with significant height differences and floor insulation. For lags, straight and dry bars with a cross-section of 50x100 mm are suitable, which are mounted longitudinally after 40-50 cm, in the places of sheets of sheets are additionally installed in the editors of the same bars. All frame elements are set by level using plywood lining to align lining. The material is better laying in two layers, shifting the joints of the upper sheets, the second layer can be glued to the PVA.

Adjustable lags allow you to eliminate surface irregularities up to 20 cm, and also organize engineering communications under the floor. The horizontal frame of the frame is set to bars based on screw supports by adjusting the latter. For premises with low ceilings, systems are used from slabs without using lag: the strut screws are placed directly on the sheets of plywood by means of mounting sleeves.

The principles laid out in the design of wooden adjustable floors make it possible to quickly update the flooring in any rooms, and the process itself is available for self-execution.

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