How to pour a self-leveling floor

How to pour a self-leveling floor

The bulk sex is one of the types of screed using the level of alignment by the method of its spontaneous spreading on the surface of the base. This can be achieved when complying with the correct technology of cooking and laying the working mixture. How to make such a floor in your apartment, you will learn from our article.

Choosing the bulk sex, it is worth paying attention to the products of Thomsitdd brands, Bergauf and Vetonit. In our opinion, these are the best manufacturers of similar blends. Decide with the type of coating. Simple and inexpensive ties are used to align bases with the subsequent device of flooring: linoleum, parquet, laminate, etc. The screeds of the "finishing" type are the finished bulk floors and have decorative properties. The ideal fluidity and alignment of the mixture occurs at a screed thickness from 0.5-30 mm. After determining the scope of work and purchase of the main material, it is necessary to prepare:

  • clean capacity 8-10l,
  • needle roller
  • wide spatula
  • rinker
  • special ships with spikes,
  • primer
  • electric drill with a mixer.

Then it is necessary to determine the height of the upper point of the future floor, which depends on the lower gaps of the doors and the floor level of other rooms. If it is more than 40 mm, it will be reasonable to pre-perform cement-sand preparation. This will save a blend of bulk sex.

In another case, it is necessary to simply prepare the base under the fill: to close the putty of its cracks and irregularities, and after drying it a couple of times to stripped the floor with a roller. As a result, the surface should turn out to be smooth, dry and hermetic.

Now we prepare the mixture. In the prepared container, it is necessary to pour 7-7.5 liters of water at the rate of 1 bag of material. You can clarify this data according to the instructions on the package. Then, slowly, you should pour a mixture into the water and mix the mixer thoroughly with a drill. A couple of minutes, the solution should be interpreted for the flow of a chemical reaction of the interaction of water powder.

Filling the floor begins with a long corner of the room, gradually approaching the exit of it. The work process must be continuous until the end of the laying of the mixture in the room. Its reclamation is made by a spatula. The flooded areas are immediately rolled with a needle roller to remove air from the mass of the solution. It is necessary to work carefully and quickly. Fresh mixture is allowed only in shoes with special spikes.

After completing the fill, access to the room must be stopped for 7-8 hours for normal coating polymerization. The time of full filling is indicated in the instructions. Before that, no manipulations with fresh coating should be. With the subsequent use of the floor under the other types (linoleum, etc.), the surface must be primed.

Bulk floor

It's all. Success to you in labor!

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