How to fill the bulk sex

How to fill the bulk sex

Creating high-strength and durable coatings using self-leveling bulk mixtures requires compliance with the technology of preparing the basis, processes of preparation and laying of the working composition.

Tools and materials

For movement in a fresh surface, the soles are used on the pins, which can be made from the boards: Cut the two platforms in the size of the shoes, tighten the screws in them and attach to scotch tape or belts to shoes.

Tools for fill with your own hands "liquid" floor:

  • Drill with a mixer;
  • Storage capacity;
  • Level;
  • Needle roller;
  • Spatula wide;
  • Metal brush;
  • Scraper;
  • Brush.

Necessary materials:

  • Bags with a mixture;
  • Damper tape;
  • Acrylic soil;
  • Polyethylene film.

Preparation of the foundation

  1. Plinths are cleaned, doors, old coatings.
  2. Deep cracks and potholes are separated by a scraper.
  3. The brush is removed by the folded concrete.
  4. Garbage and dust are removed by a broom, a vacuum cleaner or a wet cloth.
  5. The horizontal surface is checked - the differences are allowed within 2-3 mm.
  6. The stucco is removed from the walls above the fill border by 2.5 cm.
  7. The surface of the floor is cleaned and degreased.
  8. Large defects are closed with putty or solution.
  9. Along the walls at the height of the fill, a damper tape is paved.

Subsequent operations are made on a dried, smooth surface without cracks.

Installation of Mayakov

The bulk floor has greater fluidity than cement-sand screedBut it will not be able to host the perfect horizontal layer on their own. Therefore, for the creation of a really smooth plane, lighthouses are installed - profiles or pipes, self-tapping screws or cement mortar. Marking lines are distributed through 180 cm among themselves and in half a meter from the walls. At the site of the door threshold is located a limiter from the rail that prevents the mixture to flow.

Surface primer and mixture breeding

In order to increase the adhesion and hiding concrete floor It is processed by two layers of primer. After drying, the surface proceeds to the preparation of the workforce:

  1. The amount of water is poured into the packaging.
  2. A dry component falls asleep out of the bag.
  3. The solution is mixed with a mixer for several minutes to a homogeneous mass.

Checked the fluidity of the prepared mixture:

  1. On a smooth surface, a ring with a diameter of 5-7 cm is installed.
  2. The solution is poured inside, the ring is removed.
  3. The correct mixture spreads the stain in 15-17 cm.

According to the results of the observation, the solution is adjusted - a dry component or water is added. Harmful factor is the surplus of a fluid that slows down and promotes stratification.

Floor Filling Technology

The fill of the bulk sex is carried out in such a sequence:

  • The laying of the working composition is made within 30-40 minutes after the kneading interval between the fills not more than 10 minutes.
  • The entire area is closed at a time, respectively, the volume of the characterized solution is calculated, based on the size of the room and the number of people involved in the process.
  • The process starts from a long corner, consistently pouring rectangles formed by beacons and moving towards the door.
  • The portion of the solution is distributed by a spatula or rule, to remove air bubbles, the pouring is rolled by a needle roller.
  • A slightly frozen surface is covered with polyethylene and is left to dry.

During the hardening of the composition, drafts and any acceleration of the process with forced heating are excluded. Walking along the flooded floor can be possible a day later, but to use fully after 4-6 days.

The bulk sex technology allows you to quickly create a monolithic durable surface appropriate for tile coatings, parquet, linoleum or self-leaving finish mixture.

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