How to separate wooden walls

How to separate wooden walls

According to statistics, a third of country houses are built using sawn timber. The tree remains a trend of private house-building. Wall decoration is the final stage of construction and repair. Most often interior decoration, rather than external. At this stage, a decorative layer of the wall is formed. Below in the article, consider the options for finishing materials that are applicable to wooden walls.

Many wonder why we need a decoration of wooden walls. After all, the tree in itself has an excellent aesthetic appearance. First, not all owners of country houses, country houses and baths are lovers of village aesthetics, but they want to give modern notes to a residential premises. Secondly, high-quality interior decoration will bring practical benefit - will warm and lines the walls.

Finish 8.

The process under review can be conventionally classified:

  • according to the design features of the construction;
  • on finishing material.

An example of a second feature can serve that when the housing is erected from the cut, it is necessary to polish logs, as well as process them with special impregnations. And in the houses from the glued bar, the walls can be plastering.

Finishing 9.

Today, the finishing materials market is a diversity of diversity, so it's very easy to get confused when choosing. We present to your attention the main and most decent options:

  • paint coatings;
  • wooden lining;
  • block house;
  • plastic;
  • plasterboard.

Finish 3.

Coloring - a relatively inexpensive method of decoration, in addition, it is simple to implement. Before painting the walls need to be carefully prepared: align, clean from dirt, sand, fire retardants and treat with antiseptics. When choosing paint coatings pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the product. You can create your own unique color by mixing different colors, which are present on the market in large quantities. The most common coatings are acrylic and oil. Perfect solution will be toning the walls of wooden houses by a varnish. In that case, the natural color of wood is not muted, and only profitable emphasized its natural shade.

Decorating 2

Decorating the walls of wooden cladding boards (lining) is considered the best of the proposed methods. Wooden wall paneling - a high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly material whose specifications are as close as possible to the properties of lumber. It is therefore logical that its use does not violate the uniform style of the home and harmoniously fit into it. Molded fully complete idea of \u200b\u200becological house.

Decorating 4

Block-house - it's everyone's favorite wall paneling, only made it out of the expensive varieties of wood in accordance with the latest technologies in the field of building materials. This sheathing board simulates the frame, so the wall looks impressive and expensive. It is worth adding to the advantages of this material is inside the house with the help of a block-house creates the effect of health-improving microclimate. Of course, for this, homeowners are willing to pay a little more.

Decorating 5

Most often in the house made of wood plastic is used in a bathroom, dressing room or kitchen. Those. in places with high humidity. Its benefits include:

  • low cost;
  • practicality;
  • ease of installation;
  • moisture resistance.

The disadvantages of plastics are its low environmental friendliness and low strength.

Decorating 7

Drywall (gypsum fiber board sheets) used if necessary to hide flaws and unattractive timber wall surface. Mounting sheet is fairly simple, it can be done by hand. By applying the drywall can be:

  • realize the unique and sophisticated architectural solutions;
  • hide utilities (water pipes, wiring and the like);
  • put a heater.

Decorating 6

Remember - unsuccessfully selected finishing material can spoil the impression of the dwelling as a whole. Therefore, the finishing process should be related to special attention, and when choosing a material to be guided by the financial opportunity, wishes and rely on their taste.

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