What can shelter house outside

What can shelter house outside

The decoration of the country or country house is an important decision, not only the appearance of the house, but also its heat and moisture insulation, as well as resistance to atmospheric phenomena, fires and many other factors will depend on it. So think, really, there is something about.

One of the most popular, eco-friendly and tested materials is, of course, a tree. Houses are separated by clapboard, imitation of a bar, a block house. Warm house and beautiful noise insulation - these are the advantages of a wooden trim. Easy flammability and exposure to the external environment - minuses. The tree must be processed from pests, apply the compositions preventing the treated tree and damage it. Wooden trim is quite easy to mount to the walls, and the look at the house will be beautiful. The easiest option of the house is the lining, in fact, this is a regular finishing board. Simulation of a bar is a whole board usually from coniferous wood, which is profiled under the timber. The most colorful finishes option - a block house - this is a blackboard on one side smooth, and on the other - the curved. With such a finish, your home will look like a real old-headed log cabin of solid logs.

Much popular in Russia began to conquer siding. It is understandable - with relative cheapness it combines ease and practicality. Siding is metallic and vinyl. The disadvantage of metallic siding is its high weight and low heat insulation, but it does not burn and practically does not affect the external environment. But the vinyl even surpasses it - besides the fact that he is not amenable to fire, it is also lightweight, over time does not change colors, it does not undergo corrosion, and at the same time it looks aesthetically. The only thing to do to care for such a facing is occasionally washing it.


Brick is a rather popular material for building a house, but not as popular for its facing. Firstly, such a cladding is so much so that a separate foundation may be needed for it, which must be associated with the foundation of the house, if such a finish was not planned at the stage of design of the house and, accordingly, a strengthened foundation was not laid under it. But if you use a brick as a finish of an old wooden house, you will no longer have heated problems, as the house will automatically become a few times warmer.

Speeciously look at home, decorated using natural or artificial stone - real medieval castles or estates of large landowners. Stone laying is a labor-intensive process, but rather creative, since in addition to purely technical moments it is also necessary to take into account the appearance, which will acquire the building after cladding. The stone as a finish is durable and practical, does not succumb to external influence, well performs thermal insulation function, but extremely laborious in laying.

Technologies do not stand still, and completely new ones are beginning to appear in the world of finishing materials. The fibrotent panels are gaining popularity. Externally, they may look like brick or stone masonry, plaster or decorative tile, but in fact there are plates from cement and synthetic fibers that are attached to the walls of the building. At the same time, this material exceeds the listed samples for imitation of operational qualities, so in addition to the wonderful type of building you also get a reliable cladding.

The listed facing materials are not all that the modern construction industry can offer. It all depends on your personal preferences and the amount you are going to spend so that the house acquires individuality and completeness. Well, of course, you can combine the materials with each other, giving fantasy and creativity. After all, the appearance of the house is the reflection of the soul of his owner.

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