How to shepherd home professional flooring

How to shepherd home professional flooring

Profiled sheet - inexpensive, but aesthetic material. As a rule, it is used in the construction of fences, fences, as well as roofing. However, its functions do not end. Another scope of application of the proflist, which acquires every day more and more scope - covering facades. This article will consider in detail the process of choosing the material and the procedure for finishing the walls by a professional flooring.

The profile flooring is a galvanized steel sheet with a paint and varnish coating that can acquire a different shape. On sale you can see sheets with rectangular and trapezoidal lines, imitating the roofing of the coating, the material of the most different colors. The covering of the facades by the profiled sheet is performed in the construction of new buildings, as well as when it became necessary to strengthen the base and building material, be it a tree or brick, update the old facade. As a rule, professional flooring is most often used as a finishing for structures of economic purposes - garages, hangars, sheds, hozblokov. But the walls of residential buildings are also shed.

The advantages of the profile sheet are:

  • High strength characteristics and durability, which is more than 50 years.
  • The possibility of incarnation of any designer solution due to a wide range of material.
  • Resistance to the factors of the external environment - ultraviolet, moisture.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Democratic price.
  • The possibility of fastening in a horizontal or vertical direction.
  • The finish is a non-combustible, when exposed to high temperatures, no toxic substances are distinguished.

In addition, the owners receive an additional bonus: the quality of noise insulation and thermal insulation increases due to the thickness of the sheets, which is 0.3-1 mm. Installation of professional flooring on the walls is not associated with inconvenience, because there are no strict requirements for the procedure, in contrast to the use of other materials, sheets are fixed on a lightweight design, and there is no need to attract expensive equipment.

Before the trim, you need to choose the material itself. It is recommended to take into account its thickness, the height of the wave, color gamut. Most often the choice is made in favor of Professional flooring C8, C21 and C44. The letter says that he is "wall". The numbers indicate which height of the corrugation of the sheet. Professionalist, which is denoted by the letter "K", is roofing, material with the labeling "H" - carrier, for the installation of inter-storey floors. The marking also has an inscription of the form "1150.0.6", it means that in front of you is a sheet with a width of 1150 mm and a thickness of 0.6 mm. When calculating the amount of material for the construction of the house, not all width should be considered, but only the working part is that there is a width that remains after attaching the profiled sheet to the facade.

For the manufacture of the frame, a guide profile is used made of galvanized metal, suspensions and fasteners - dowels, screws and nails. In addition, for the decoration of the walls, there will be enough challenges: fed on the base, starting, connecting and finish planks, corners, parts that are needed for framing doors and window openings.

Under all the rules and nuances of the facades of facades, the surface will be resistant to the effect on the surface of external factors, and due to the presence of an air layer, the risk of mold and condensate falling is excluded. At the first stage, a metal frame should be installed:

  1. Attach special brackets to the surface using a dowel.
  2. Next, it is necessary to put the thermal insulation material, it is better to choose a heater in the plates - foam or minvatu, fixed with plate dowels.
  3. Such a trim should be covered from above with a special windproof film.
  4. The brackets attack the vertical guide P-shaped guide profile for the purpose of alignment of the wall and the formation of the air layer between guides and film to ensure high-quality air circulation, excessive moisture.
  5. Also do not forget to water the foundation in the horizontal direction. Works are performed throughout the perimeter of the house. For this, rolled materials are suitable.
  6. A measuring instrument is used to equalize the frame - level.

In addition, the frame can be made with wooden plates, but many disadvantages are inherent in such material.

After preparatory work, go to the trim. The sheets of profiled flooring can be attached horizontally or vertically. In addition, if you wish, you can choose a diagonal orientation of sheets. Regardless of the direction, the operational properties of the professional flooring do not change. Bashed sheets needed to racks, using galvanized screws in this case, which have moisture-resistant gaskets made of rubber, and colored heads. Corner and other challenges will be needed when doing doors and windows, it will help to give the facade of greater expressiveness.

Thus, the trimming of facades in the facade will help improve their operational qualities and increase the service life, but only provided that you will be unquestioned to follow our instructions.

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