How to strip the house block house

How to strip the house block house

Block House is a popular finishing material representing a kind of lining, one side of which is made in the form of a longitudinal cutting of a log. This material is used both in external and internal work, has high ecology and low price, and thanks to special locks provided for on two longitudinal ends of the boards, it is very simple to mount it.

To carry out installation work, you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws 5-8 centimeters;
  • hacksaw or electric saw;
  • construction level and stapler.

The lining of the house should begin with the preparatory work. The first step is to clean the wall from large contaminants. If you have gathered to sheathe the wooden house, then process all its walls with a special primer, which includes antiseptic additives, for example, "biosept ultra", "Ek-bio-anti-hub" or Teknos Woodex Kuultava. After the soil is absorbed into the tree, additionally process the Olifa's Craft Square - it is recommended to do to completely prevent wood rotting. You can apply these two protective composition with a brush, roller or sprayer.

The next step is the installation of steam and thermal insulation, as well as the installation of the crate. Parosolation sheets fasten the shoulder, straight to the wall of the house. After with vapor barrier, it will be finished, proceed to the installation of the crate. If it is made of wood, to increase the service life, each element is treated with special antiseptic composition ("Ecode Bioprof" or Belinka Belbor Fix). If the walls of the construction are made of wood - attach the elements of the crate with nails or screws, if the material of the walls concrete, brick or stone - use anchor bolts. In the openings between the rows of the crates, put the thermal insulation material and close it with a protective film. To prevent the penetration of moisture, lay the flask film, after which secure it securely, using small wooden bars and construction stapler.

Installation of finishing material start from the bottom row, placing the boards in a horizontal position. In order for the hats of self-tapping screws holding a block house, did not perform above its surface, in the places of their screwing, please small holes. Self-tapping screws in the upper and lower part of the board, the distance between the fasteners of the block household to the crate should not exceed 40 centimeters. Using the lock, connect the boards with each other. For additional fixation of the material, it is recommended to screw the one more sinks in the castle spike. Its position should be perpendicular to the wall surface or at an angle of 45-50 degrees. It should be noted that the screws covered with zinc or processed anodizing should be used as a fastener. Despite the greater the cost of fasteners, the total amount of costs will increase not strongly, but you will save yourself from the appearance of corrosion traces.

Thanks to the block house, you can easily give any building an appearance of a building built from natural logs, and with high-quality and timely prevention, this finish will serve you not one decade.

Comments leave a comment
Max 01/31/2015 at 16:56.

Return me 7 minutes of life! It is not a "covering the house by a block cham", and the house is covered with a blockball! Learn the values \u200b\u200bof verbs and Russian !!!


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