How to nourish the lining

How to nourish the lining

Due to the low price and quality characteristics, wooden lining is one of the most popular finishing materials. This noble, warm and environmentally friendly material is widely used during domestic and external work on the arrangement of residential and economic premises. And due to the fact that the installation of the lining does not require special skills and a special expensive tool, to cope with fasteners of wooden planks can each.

To carry out the installation work, you will need the following tool:

  • hammer and nails (you can use the screwdriver and screws on the tree);
  • hacksaw or electrolybiz;
  • construction stapler with brackets;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

If you are going to trim a smooth wall of a tree or other soft material, it can be attached directly to it. If the wall is made of brick, concrete or stone, has a deviation along the vertical plane or pit and protrusions - before fastening the wallboard, it is necessary to make a crate, which is a wooden rails with a thickness of at least 5 centimeters, nailed at a distance of 1 meters from each other. Bold the elements of the crate to the wall can be using a dowel or self-tapping screws, 8-10 centimeters long. In addition, the installation of the crate is mandatory in rooms with elevated moisture levels, since due to the presence of airspace between the wall and wood, constant ventilation of the boards on the other side of the trim will be provided, which will significantly increase the duration of their service life.

Lining can be attached vertically or horizontally. The vertical location of the board visually will increase the size of the room, horizontal - the height of the ceiling. There are several ways to fasten the lining: with the help of nails, screws, brackets and special fasteners - klimmers. The easiest method is the use of nails or screws. The nail is clogged into the groove or spike clap, firmly fixing it. If you are using self-tapping screws - first captivate the hole under his hat and only after that twist the screw. If you do not do this - the self-suite hat will prevent the installation of the next board and you will not work.

If you want to use brackets - with the help of a construction stapler, score them in a slight angle. Most often, this method is used when installing boards from top to bottom. In this case, the method of fixing the main point to which attention must be paid is the force of clogging with a stapler. If it is too big - fasteners will prick soft wood, damaging the lining, if too weak - the brackets will not drown in the edge of the groove, thereby preventing the free seaside spike of the next board.

When installing the lining horizontally from top to bottom, it is recommended to use special fasteners - curvators, which are galvanized brackets. First, fasten it on the back of the groove of the lining, and then adjust the nail to the wall or screw the screw. All subsequent boards are attached in the same way. Due to the fact that the klimmers are not able to withstand heavy loads, it is possible to use them only for fastening the thin lining indoors.

All models described above are suitable for the horizontal and vertical location of the boards. If horizontally lining can be mounted as from top to bottom and bottom up, then with a vertical setting, you should start with the angle of the room. If you finish the utility room - you can use a faster, but less aesthetic method of fastening boards - clog the nail or screw the screws in the center of the board.

Knowing all this, you will easily be able to correctly consolidate the lining by any of the methods described above. The correct installation of this beautiful natural material will lead to the fact that the wooden finish will serve you more than a dozen years, and you will not soon think about holding a new repair.

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