How to make a ceiling on the balcony

How to make a ceiling on the balcony

When repairing the apartment, the question of finishing the ceiling necessarily arises, because you do not want to admire the sad concrete slab to anyone. There are many finishing options, the choice of entirely depends on the preferences of the owners and their budget. You can shelter the surface with ceiling tiles, MDF or plastic panels or equip a single-level suspended ceiling. Let's get acquainted in detail every way.

Heat ceiling

Before the immediate finish of the surface, it is recommended to carry out preparatory activities that are in the insulation of the ceiling, since without high-quality thermal insulation, all the heat will rapidly go through overlap to neighbors. In this case, even high-quality double-glazed windows will not help prevent leakage. The first thing to be done is to close the seams that were formed around the perimeter of the balcony.

The most popular material for insulation ceiling is Minvata. If you chose this insulation, it is recommended to act in accordance with the following instructions:

  • On the ceiling it is necessary to make a frame using the boards, the width of which is 2 times higher than the insulation thickness. Boards are placed ribs down.
  • Mineral watts fix between scotch-baked boards and attach to them.
  • Do not forget about the waterproofing of hygroscopic wool, which uses a polyethylene film. Special attention is paid to the corners, places of docking film and pairing with walls.
  • Across the panels stuffed boards are attached to panels that have enough thickness for subsequent fasteners with nails or self-drawing.

Another thermal insulation material, with which you can insulate the ceiling on the balcony, are polyurethane foam plates. They are labeled with glue to provide high-quality clutch with the base, and after installation, they are additionally attached to plastic dowels.

Polystyrene tile

Installation of ceiling tiles is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. First, it is necessary to carefully prepare the basis, which consists in alignment and stripping. Close all windows and doors to the balcony to exclude drafts, otherwise the tile falls off.
  2. Then it is necessary to determine the center of the ceiling surface using the "diagonal" method. To do this, pull the cross-cross-time 2 ropes, fixing them on opposite corners. The point we need is formed on the place of their intersection.
  3. Spend through the center of the axis in the perpendicular direction so that the ends are turned on in the middle of the walls. So we get a reference point required for direct stickers of tiles - they are pasted from the point where the lines intersect.
  4. Tiles do not need to fully missed glue, apply the composition only in the corners and in the center of the product, dropwise.
  5. Press the tile ceiling. So it is necessary to hold it for 1-2 minutes to grab glue.
  6. At the final stage, an edging of the ceiling on the balcony of plinths is created. To fix them, we use the same glue as when mounting the ceiling tiles.
  7. To achieve an exclusive design, you can paint the surface of acrylic paint of any color.

Plastic panels

The most economical way to finish the ceiling on the balcony is the use of plastic panels:

  • First, it is necessary to make a frame of metal products or wooden plates for fastening panels. It should be withstanding the distance between the elements of the crate at the level of 30 centimeters.
  • If you plan to create a lighting system on the balcony, you need to secure the electrical wiring to the ceiling cover, and drill holes in the plastic panels for further installation of the lamps.
  • Panels are attached to the frame of self-drawing. The space that remains between profiles is great for mounting the insulation.

Stretch ceiling

This option is ideal if the surface is uneven, has a lot of defects, and you do not want to engage in her alignment under the fastening of the finishing material:

  1. At the first stage, a hard framework is installed throughout the perimeter, for the manufacture of which the profile baguette is used. When fixing rails necessarily use the water level to control the horizontal direction profile. For better fixation strengthen its anchors.
  2. Further costs to arm a heat gun to heat the air on the balcony. When the temperature reaches 40 degrees, drop-in room PVC film and unwrap it. Remember that the panel should not approach the gun vent.
  3. Attach the film to the frame, starting with the base angle, which is marked on it. The next is fixed angle, which is the opposite basic, then the remaining.
  4. To fix the side faces you need to use a spatula, with which the directions of the film are becoming at a profile, heading from the corners to the center. After cooling the film, you will get a smooth surface.
  5. And at the end, put the decorative plugs to mask the details of the mount and the lamps, the power of which, by the way, should not be more than 50 W.

Other finish options

Now consider less popular ways to finish the ceiling surface on the balcony:

  • Wooden lining. Lining made of wood is a traditional finishing material for the balcony. To install it, it is also necessary to pre-create a framework for the manufacture of which wooden rails or metal profile are used. When installing, you can change the direction of the lining to give the interior of the originality balcony. After attachment, be sure to treat the surface with a special composition in order to protect against mold.
  • MDF panels. This material will be successfully replaced by wood, is durable and has an attractive appearance. In addition, for mounting on the balcony, you can choose panels that are distinguished by increased resistance to moisture. For fastening, a handbreaker or a metal profile frame is required.
  • Dye. For staining the ceiling on the balcony, you should choose facade paints, which are resistant to temperature and humidity fluctuations. If there are irregularities on the concrete slab, they need to be eliminated by putty, also facade, and cover the surface with a special primer.
  • Metal rails. When choosing an embodiment of the ceiling to mind, stitched systems made of metal plates come to mind, especially this material is good in adverse weather conditions, such as moisture exposure and significant temperature differences. In addition, a similar surface has a beautiful design.
  • Plasterboard. Plasterboard sheets can be used to cover the ceiling on the balcony only under the condition of reliable protection of the room from atmospheric exposure, which consists in complete glazing and insulation. When choosing this material, remember that HCL after installation needs even in the finish finish. But in the case of an open balcony, it is better to choose another option, for example, paint the ceiling.

Important! When arranging the ceiling on the balcony in advance, foresee the mortgages from bars, which will be needed for the installation of drying for linen, and attach them to the ceiling surface.

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