How to shepherd balcony with your own hands

How to shepherd balcony with your own hands

You have an apartment, the repair has already been made, and before the balcony, all the hands did not reach. And finally it was time to bring this object in order. For insulation and decoration of such a room, there will be a lot of money. After all, besides the walls, you will have to ennorate the floor, the ceiling and glazed all the open space of the balcony. Only then can be considered the work ended. In winter, you will feel that in the adjacent room it became much warmer and stopped driving through. Further in the instructions will be discussed how to see the balcony clapboard.

Types of lining

In construction supermarkets there are two types of this material: normal and eurovanda. They differ among themselves both quality and price. It is easier to work with Eurovantia, and there are channels in it so that the moisture from the condensate does not accumulate, thanks to this, the swing crest does not come out of the excavation. More lining happens from plastic And wood, which choose is to solve you. Experts prefer wooden due to its ecology, durability. With proper processing, the tree serves for many years.

List of materials

To calculate how much material is required for the repairs of the balcony, measure the height, width of the walls, floor and ceiling, find out their area. Then calculate what is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows and the doorway and deduct the resulting value of their total balcony square. At the end, add 10-15% to the value obtained.

To enhance and insulation, you will need:

Preparatory work

Start from the wall and ceiling - close the irregularities, crack, treat them with a solution from fungus. Make a wooden rail frame. Attach the main rail guide, retreating 10 centimeters from the ceiling. The next creature in parallel through 60 centimeters and so to Niza. The last bar must retreat from the floor for 1-2 centimeters. Self-timers and dowels are used to secure boards. A permissible distance for fasteners - 60-80 centimeters. From the tool, the master for work will be needed: drill, screwdriver, level, hacksaw, hammer. Similarly, make a frame and on the ceiling. Treat tree with oil or primer, let me dry. After that, proceed to the insulation of the walls. The material is placed between the rails.


Start the process of plating from the ceiling and from the most uncomfortable corner on the balcony, then you will be easier at the end of the work. The first board is fastened with two sides. Attach the planks can be nails or stapler. Insert the next lining into the groove first. On the side of the groove of the second fasten it. To do this, it is enough to wear the lower wall of the groove kleimer. And consolidate it on the rail. If the lining is bad in the groove, then slightly knock the hammer, just not on the sidewall of the lining itself, and attach a piece of bar to the end. In the same way, cut the walls. Corners, joints close up the plinth, securing it with small cloves.

Tips Masters

Useful recommendations:

  1. If you decide to sew a balcony with evrovagon or clapboard, then you will definitely glare and insulate the room.
  2. For balconies, the lining of the coniferous wood is more suitable, because this type is less susceptible to rotting and resistant to various fungi.
  3. At the end of the work, process the lining with acrylic varnish, aqualak, butter or a primer-antiseptic, so the tree will serve for a long time.

The article describes in detail all the stages of the procedure on the balcony of the balcony with the lining. If you work in order and listen to the Soviets of Masters, the balcony will be excellent. And the room will be land and warmer in winter, and in the summer you will please pleasant coolness.

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