How to build a wooden house

How to build a wooden house

Grow the Son, plant a tree and build a house - Fix ideas of each modern man. If the first two points do not need detailed instructions, then the problem may arise. However, there is no limit to perfection. After reviewing the detailed step-by-step material and viewed a couple of rollers, each more or less sensible man will be able to make a complex of construction work, as a result of becoming the owner of its own durable, reliable, cozy and durable wooden house.

Project. Any business must be started with the preparation of project documentation. After all, build a house is not to screw the light bulb. By drawing up a preliminary project, you will probably know that the final result will be identical expected. It is also necessary for the competent selection of materials, the correct distribution of construction nuances, obtain important permits, etc. Simply put, at this stage, key designer, financial, organizational and other points are solved.

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Foundation. It is he who takes 30% of the construction budget, a considerable amount of time and physical effort, but is considered the basis of each house. From how correctly this basis is created, the strength and durability of the whole building will depend on. The construction of the foundation really make your own hands, but before you should decide on the view. To date, for wooden houses, it is customary to build a belt, columnar or screw options. It would be nice to solve in advance which one more than the rest is suitable for your home.

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Walls. The design of walls begins only after the complete end of the stage with the foundation. Walls of their own wooden house can be made of logs or timber. These materials are absolutely reliable, safe and durable. A log is an array of wood without bark, bitch and irregularities. It happens round or glued. Both options are relevant today. Bar - rectangular long solid material, mined by dumped logs from four sides. It is completely comfortable in construction and is provided on the market in different versions (ordinary, glued, profiled).

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Roof. When the erected mills reached the appropriate height, you can start building the roof. To do this, you will need to mount rafters, thermal insulation, waterproofing and laying of roofing materials. The choice of the roof shape is very important, as it should not only protect the house from precipitation and other environmental troubles, but also harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the construction. Today, building materials market offers the following roofing materials: Ondulin, professional flooring, metal tile, slate.

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Windows and doors. The choice of future windows and doors is completely dependent on your taste. The main thing is to discuss the choice with the architect at the stage of creating a project. Where the window and doorways will be located, you are also entitled to choose yourself. It would not be bad in advance to consider the view of the future doors: sliding, swing or arched openings.

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Floor ceiling. The selection of the ceiling and floor coatings also depends on the host preferences. It is only important not to forget to make waterproofing before the screed and finishes. Wooden houses suitable rolled insulation, coating, penetrating, filler. The choice of flooring is worth paying special attention. It should be practical, durable and aesthetic. Fortunate, the range is large: wooden coatings, linoleum, tile, laminate, cork or carpet. Among the entire abundance of the proposed it is important to determine the most optimal for a particular room.

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Finish. The houses from the rounded log or profiled bar in the interior are absolutely no need. But the buildings erected from the simple log require additional internal works. Keep in mind, for the period of dermisy, the tree sits down, the places are deformed, so the finish should be done no earlier than the house is completely dry. If there is no need, you can also make an outdoor finish of the house with the help of modern materials.


Water supply, sewerage. The frequent house can be autonomous or centralized water supply. If next to your future wooden house is laid pipe water treatment plant, you just connect to it. If there is none - it is necessary to create an autonomous water supply, which will result in a much larger sum. It is also important to take care of sanitation. Without it comfortable stay possible. Do not forget about the wastewater pipes. That it is necessary to track the site and a foundation can not be damaged under the influence of groundwater.

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Heating. Make the heating system in a wooden house is quite simple. It is made after the completion of construction and before finishing. You can select one of the popular choices for today: floor heating, furnace heating, steam, electric or gas boiler.

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Warming. Despite the fact that the frame perfectly holds heat, it can shrivel and crack over time. It is therefore essential to make additional insulation. These include: konopatka home, the use of thermal insulation materials, etc. By the way, you can warm the house, both inside and outside, depending on the construction and desires host.

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Electricity. As a rule, even at the first stage of construction creates a detailed plan of wiring and placement of outlets and lighting devices. Having built his own house, you can easily pave the wiring, guided by the existing plan. After all, on the presence of the power supply it depends not only comfort and convenience, but also the satisfaction of basic human needs.

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Here we have listed the main essential stages of the construction of wooden houses with their own hands. Of course, this work does not end. Much remains to be done, but the most difficult and costly steps already behind.

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Alexey 04.05.2018 at 10:59

And it is better to entrust this business to professionals SC "Romanovsky architect"

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