Steaming in the Russian bath is not only nice, but also useful for the health of every person. The bath, made of logs of coniferous trees, has a pronounced fragrance, is well holding heat and at the same time the air is not stuffed. The logs contain a significant number of resins that protect against moisture penetration.
The best place to build a bath is the coast of a natural reservoir. The distance to the nearest buildings should be at least 10 m. The entrance to the bath should be located on the south side, and the windows should go to the west side to admire the sunset in the evening. The size of the bath is selected at the calculation of the approximate number of people who will simultaneously be indoors. Building should consist of a pre-banker, steam room and soul. It is very important because the room should warm up well enough and keep heat for a long time. Baths with a total area of \u200b\u200b4 x 4 meters will be enough for three people.These works are manufactured in the first year of construction. Credit over time gives shrinkage (up to 1 cm for every crown), because The tree overtooks over time, and the gasket material is compacted, so the bath finishes should be started at least six months later, and it is better a year after installing a church. To maximize the deformation of the logs during shrinkage, it is better not to cut off immediately opening for windows and doors.