How to cut opening in the wall

How to cut opening in the wall

The execution of the opening in a brick or reinforced concrete wall will require thorough preparation, deliberate actions and severe physical exertion.

Tools and materials

Tools and consumables are prepared before work:

  • Perforator with a brown length in the thickness of the wall;
  • Bulgarian with a disk of 230 mm by stone or special if the wall is reinforced concrete;
  • Chisel, hammer, roulette;
  • Respirator and glasses;
  • Protective film;
  • Wooden bars;
  • Cement mortar.

When organizing the opening in the brick wall, steel channels are selected, corresponding to the intended load, as well as studs and nuts for their compound.

Marking of the opening

The wall is examined, the material of manufacturing and structural features determine. All engineering communications are transferred from zone opening wiring. Draw the contour of the cut off niche, when determining its size, take into account:

  • The need to install upper and lateral reinforcing structures.
  • Compliance with mounting gaps for doors or windows.
  • Coincidence of the upper line of the opening of the cement masonry.

In most cases, it is advisable to post the opening by 3% more - to close the gaps are easier than to shoot down extra pieces.


Cutting opening in a concrete wall

To protect against dust, a wooden frame is built, tightening it with a film and proceed to the opening device:

  1. The cut-cut area is broken into rectangles with dimensions of 40x30 cm.
  2. In the corners and marked lines, the holes are dried through the wall.
  3. The contours pass with a grinder on both sides, focusing on the holes.
  4. Improve the impact mode on the perforator and the blocks are cleaned.

It follows with an assistant - concrete pieces can weigh more than 20 kg. Vacuum cleaner or water supply to a diamond disk is used to collect dust.


Installation of jumpers in a brick wall

The surface is purified from plaster, placing and assemble the stepted channel in the following order:

  1. In both sides, horizontal grooves in the size of a steel profile and a length exceeding the width of 250 mm on each side are cut down on both sides.
  2. Drill holes Under the studs first in the masonry, then remove the measurements and drill the schuler.
  3. The deepening in the wall is purified and covered with plastic solid.
  4. For a fresh cement, the channel is breed and bonded with studs and nuts.


Selection of opening in a brick wall

After hardening the cement composition continue to work:

  • The perimeter of the opening is cut on the side markup.
  • Using the chisel or perforator, carefully take out the first bricks under the jumper.
  • All rows of masonry dismant up in series from top to bottom.
  • Chop or cut the protruding parts.
  • If necessary, strengthen the sides with metal corners.
  • Remove dust from surfaces - the opening is ready for mounting the window or door.

The method of tear cutting with a preliminary adjustment of the jumper is considered the most secure and ensuring the integrity of the wall.


All actions related to changes in supporting structures should be carried out in coordination with the relevant authorities and based on engineering calculations.

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