How to calculate the room

How to calculate the room

Often the owner of an apartment or house requires to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe room for repair or other purposes. And how to calculate it - not everyone knows, especially if the placement of the wrong shape, and the person is not strong in mathematics. Everything is not as hard as it seems. It is enough to divide the room into the figures of the right form, then find the values \u200b\u200bof their area and the obtained quantities fold. Let's consider this question close.

The area is considered on the walls to buy wallpaper, tiles, or by the floor to find out the square of the apartment when buying, selling, etc. To accurately measure the size of the walls, the floor is desirable to free the room from furniture. If the object has the shape of a square or a rectangle, then it is not difficult to calculate the area. You will need to take a sheet of paper to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bfour walls, gender.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle is equal to S \u003d AB, i.e. The product of the length is height. To calculate the square of all walls, you will have to measure their length and height. If the room is perfectly smooth and you do not need accurate calculations, it is enough to measure the length and the height of two walls adjacent to each other. Then, according to these data, consider the area of \u200b\u200ba smaller wall (S1), greater (S2). And then find s rooms by the formula:

S \u003d 2S1 + 2S2

To calculate the s room on the floor, make the width and length of the floor, multiply the values.

Square Square S \u003d A². However, not always the walls and floors are smooth. For more accurate measurements, experts measure the height at the beginning, the middle and end of the wall, and then the values \u200b\u200bobtained are folded and divided into three, this average value is used as height. There are also other measurements (widths, room lengths).

If the room has another form, then divide it on geometric shapes. Roulette make the necessary measurements, calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthese parts of the room below formulas:

  • Singer \u003d ½ AB, where A is the base of the triangle, B is the height carried out to this base.
  • SKRUG \u003d πR², where π \u003d 3.14; R - Circle radius. The radius is easier to measure laser roulette. Indications made by such a rangefinder will accurately.
  • SPOL scroll \u003d ½ πr².

At the end, sum up all the results obtained.

To make the internal decoration of the room, you will need more accurate results. Finishing materials have a high cost, so do not overpay for extra square meters. To obtain clear data from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the room, deduct the metra on the doors and windows. As a rule, such opening have a rectangular shape. For the miscalculation of their area, measure the length and height of the products, and then change the values \u200b\u200baccording to the above rectangle formula: S \u003d AB. Having learned the exact square of the apartment, note that wallpaper and other materials are better to take a bit with a margin, and not back.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room, if it has the right form of a rectangle or square, can be calculated on online calculator, enter only measurements in meters and get two results:

  • Floor area;
  • The area of \u200b\u200ball walls of the object.

Design interior-living room-in-Khrushchev

After the information filed, you can easily find the area of \u200b\u200byour room yourself. And no particularly complex calculations for this will be required.

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