How to moisturize the air in the room

How to moisturize the air in the room

The heating season stretches for more than six months, due to the operation of batteries and heaters, the air in the apartments becomes dry and warm, bacteria and viruses feel perfectly in it. At the same time maintain optimal humidity at the level of 40-60% almost impossible, but several ways are still there.

Regularly ventilate the room. It is necessary to do it strictly according to the schedule, otherwise the precious warmth will disappear. Determine the frequency of airways will help a simple device showing humidity - a hygrometer.

Establish throughout the tank with water, hang on the battery wet fabric, periodically changing it. Put a basin or a bowl with water under the battery, lower the bandage into the water, the second end of which hang on the battery. Water will evaporate, and the air will become more wet.

Some indoor plants, in particular Cyperus, perfectly moisturize the air. Do not forget to water the flower every day, it needs a lot of water, most of which he evaporates. Spraying moisture-boring plants, you also moisturize the air in the room. You can decorate the interior with an unusual way and increase moisture with a bamboo growing right in water.

Aquarium perfectly copes with humidifier. In addition, you have a wonderful passion, change the water regularly and do not forget to feed fish.

The indoor fountain will not only decorate the interior, but also moisturize the air indoors. And also, after him, you can just watch, resting.

Buy a humidifier. This device is gaining popularity, it will help clean and moisturize the air in the apartment. A good humidifier not only saturates air to the norm, which determines, depending on the specified automatic program, it ionizes, deodorizes the air and destroys the harmful microorganisms.

Each method is good in its own way. If you are at home for a long time, the air is far from the window far from fresh, and you do not plan to change the windows, create a smart technique in the apartment will create a microclimate.

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