How to divide the room on the functional zones

How to divide the room on the functional zones

Often, our housing conditions do not meet our needs, and then a question arises either about redevelopment, or about zoning residential premises. The first option is more radical, but also requires high costs and material investments. The second is less expensive, but it is worth competently divided the room to the functional zones, and it will work not worse than full repair with redevelopment.

First you need to draw an accurate room plan that you want to divide into zones, and calling the whole family, decide what exactly you are planning to do. What zones are needed first, their appointment, and where to place them. Consider the age of family members and the time they will be carried out in functional areas. For example, you should not combine the children's zone for games with the working office of an adult, or immediately think about noise insulation.


When you decided on the choice of zones and agreed on their purpose so that no one would interfere with each other, it is worth thinking how exactly you will distinguish the space. Zoning options are now mass: ranging from capital walls and ending with shirms and partitions. To make a decision, you need to contact the room itself - a big one or small, elongated or in the form of a square, but in it windows.

Wardrobes partitions-2

If there are two windows in the room, the lighting will be enough and you can make a wall or a solid partition, partially divided the room into two halves. Also a small wall made of drywall or other material can be put in the children's room, separating the beds of two children. Or in the living room, separate the place to sleep (even in the absence of windows), it is quite possible to do with artificial lighting.

Dividing wall in children's

The long stretched rooms or small by the meter solid walls it is better not to do - it will make the room dark and uncomfortable. It is better to zoning the space elements of furniture, screens, curtains or drapes. You can use decorative design - fireplaces, aquariums, partitions, stained glass - it will make your room cozier. Recreation areas better placed in the back of the room and work areas - office or desk for the student closer to the windows.


In small rooms, use all opportunities to reduce the amount of furniture with a maximum of functionality. For example, television is better to hang on the wall, and not put on the curb. Abandon wardrobes in favor of hinged shelves or built-in furniture drawers to store things. Where zoning can be done simply by a different decoration. For example, a two-level ceilings and floors of the podium - with allocation of separate zones, different color and texture of wall decoration will transform your room beyond recognition. By the way, the podium with built-in drawers can replace wardrobe.

built-in drawers

Some effort to create functional areas in the room, you actually feel, how comfortable the room was. And all members of the household will be provided with its cozy corner for work and leisure.

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